The Damage Mirror

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"I SEE YOU" with a smiley face? What kind of sh*t is this. Who would do this? I mean I do have my suspensions, but I don't think James would do this. Would he?

I ran to Trish room, interrupting her nasty time, and I asked her did she write that.

"WHAT THE F*CK YN? I'M BUSY AS YOU CAN SEE." She yelled. I understand. I mean, I wouldn't want any one to walk on me when I am doing my business. What ever. I grabbed her off of her date for the night and I pulled her into my bathroom. She saw the words.


"Well then WHO DID IT?!?!" I started to get annoyed.

"I mean, I heard a little thump , but I wasn't gonna see what it is. At first I thought it was you coming home."

"Sh*t, this can't be happening."

"YN, what's wrong?" She questioned me.

"I ran into James at the park" 

"HOLY SH*T, What did he say?......what did he want?...How did Prodigy act?....What happened?" She kept going on and on.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" I said quickly.

"Can I at least explain?" She nodded, and I told her everything. She was in AH.

"Prod through a punch...WHAAAAT?" 


"What?" Trish said.

"Call him Craig."

"Whatever. he through a punch. WHAT WHAAAAAT?"

"No, he just pushed him."

"Oh, yo man fought for you honey."

"I guess."

"Why would he sneak up on you, and give James some candy with a weird ass note, then break in here? Or did he hire someone?" She questioned.

There is a past about James and I when we were together. He was an expert killer. well that's how I met him. He was on a mission and everything. HEEY, like that movie with Katherine Heigl and Ashton Kutcher, '"KILLERS". Who knew that some of that stuff was real. Well sooner I caught him killing someone and he told me everything. How it was an accident for me to find out that way. I mean the James was killing someone in our house. Soon, he taught me a few things and I learned, but some had to be put on hold because I had John. Of course I had to tell Trish. She's my sister, and I tell her everything.

"Look I don't know and to be honest, I really don't want to know." I said.

She nodded and walked out of the room without an response. That's not like her.

"Hey, What are you thinking about?" I asked.


"You walking up out of here all quiet and stuff, what is it?"

"Nothing." She continued to walk almost reaching the door frame.


"Look girl, If he is going through all this trouble, then he's probably upset for one of the 3 reasons. 

1. He's upset that you have another man around John.....Which leads to number,

2. That he's mad that you're with Pro- Craig...And that can only mean............-" She paused and gave me a undetermined look.

"WHAT?" I questioned

"And that can only mean....3. He' still loves you. 

"NOOO, If he loved me, he wouldn't ha--"

"Listen, If he still loves you, that means he is going to fight for you and not let you go."

"Is that why you are scared?" I knew she already was.

"It's not my place YN."

WHAT?!?!?, Where the hell did that come from? Everything that I know, she knows. My business is HER business. WHAT? Something is wrong here. But why would he still love me? UGHHHH. 


"I like him too mommy." 

Out of no where John came in the room. He stood next to me and I quickly shut the door. I didn't want him to see that mirror. He watched me shut the door then walked to the bed in the middle of the room. I guess he heard Trish's and I conversation. Hopefully he didn't understand it.

"James is my dad?" He look at me and I walked over to the bed and sat down. I could feel his mood. The way he said seemed like he didn't want him to behis father. I wasn't going to lie to him either....I wanted to.


"Why wasn't he here then, why are you cheating on him w-with P-prod?" I couldn't answer that. I just couldn't. My son is toooo smart. And how was I going to tell him that his dad cheated on me then had another family behind a closed door? Why was this so difficult?

"I am not. Your dad lef--" I couldn't finish the sentence. but I guess John is smarter than what I think he is.

"He left you mommy, or, d-did h-he leave m-me.?" I saw disappointment. I saw feelings and emotions that no 5 year old should have. He was beginning to cry. I just pulled him into a hug and told him everything was going to be alright. It took a while but he fell asleep and so did I. I couldn't sleep until he's sleep. I couldn't cry or have any emotion. My son is crying because he thinks hi dad doesn't love him and that's not the case. I couldn't tell him because I don't want him to experience what I experienced with James. All I could think about, was that I was unsafe. James found a way in my house. I awoken and and thought about the mirror. The mirror reflected me. It made me feel damaged. Damged to the point I couldn't tell my son the whole story. Damaged that I can't also tell Craig the WHOLE truth. I can't tell myself the truth. I am a damaged mirror, but Craig is slowly fixing and and trying to glue back each piece. 

Hope you like it. Took thought. Comment on what you think if you want.

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