Surprisingly confession

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I woke up to hearing the sound of a girls voice. I opened my eyes slightly and tried to look around. Figures I was in the living on the couch. My right arm was hanging of from the couch and my head was laying on it. My left hand was behind me and my feet was close together. I looked up and saw that it was still day.

I got up and followed the familiar noise. It was coming from the kitchen. As I walked in I saw Trish and Craig laughing and talking.

"How long was I sleep?"

"Hello, sleepy head." Trish smiled.

"You tell asleep in the car, and I put you on the couch." Craig informed.

"Oh. Okay. Well wha--" I began to say but...

"Trish came this morning to see you and pick up John."

Oh yeah. John always go to Houston with Trish to visit his grandma. I don't really have a good relationship with my dad. So I try to stay away from him as possible. Why do you think it didnt bother me to move in with Craig. He lives in California. Well, and Philly, but you know.

"Is he ready? I bet he's happy to be away from school for a weak." she said.

"yeah, I forgot, but I bet he didn't." I really did forget about that.

"I'll go get him" Craig said running off upstairs.

"Okay. Hey, when he goes, dont take him no where near the beach. You know how college students are during spring break."

"Oh Wow, its not even like that."

"No beach. Trish. I mean it."

"It was ONE TIME!!!"


"What ever ahaha" she started laughing.

"That's not funy."

"Yeah, so what have you been up to?"

"Long story. I have been feeling sick. Well lightheaded and I passed out yesterday and Craig took me to the hospital, and the doctor told me I--"

"The doctors told you, you were pregnant." Trish cut me off.

"Yeah. How'd you kn--"

"Because I am pregos too. And I also have been feeling lightheaded."

"Damn. Wow. I never knew we would be pregnant at the same time." I said shocked.

I wasn't really as excited has most sisters would be for each other. I mean I am happy, but I am trying to figure out how I should tell Craig. Now what will make me excited is if our due date is at the same time.

"Yeah, I can't wait to be a mom. I have always wanted kids. But you having John made me want kids more. I love hanging out with my nephew."

I just smiled.

"Okay, what's wrong?"


"Shut that up."

"John wants to see James. And I don't know how to tell Craig I am pregnant."

"Ooh. Damn. I don't know how to help you. But I can give you advice."

"Isn't that helping?" I put my head in my hands and leaned over the counter where Trish was sitting on.

"Just call James and tell him and you can drop John off with him. AND can say anything, James won't hurt John and you know it. John will be the one to tell you if he doesn't like did at the end of the day. So don't worry. Now about Craig--"

"What about me?" Craig came in with one eyebrown raised.


"Find a cute way to tell him." Trish said ans hopped off the counter and made her way to John.

I nodded.

"What are you going to find a cute way to tell me?"

I walked over to him and my arms around his neck and I gave him a long kiss. I stopped and said.. I love you. He just smiled. I guess he bought it.

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