Let's just go...

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He continues to stare at me. I don't know why, but, DUHH, I do.

"Why is he here?" he asked.


"What do you mean?" i was confused. It's a public park, anyone can be here,wh--

"So, why were you talking to him?"

He started to get indignant. And so was I.

"What the Hell?!?"

"YN" he said

"Craig, I didn't want to talk to him. He. saw. me. He. found. me. I didn't care to hear a word he said. Then he started talking about John and I got really frustrated and then he gave me money for him. So I can take care of him like I have been doing by myself all these years. OHH YEAH, AND THEN, the bastard's kids came up and They were older THAN JOHN!!! So I figured out he had an afair while he was with me. HE'S STUPID, CRAIG, AND I HATE HIM!!!

I started to yell. and people were looking. I could feel a tear coming and I hurried and whiped it away.

"Why did he do it? Why did he hurt me?, then I had to find out like this, that he cheated"

"YN.....I'm sor--"

"Save it, Look, sorry if it looked any way bad or weird at all, I just ne--"

"Hey, let's just go, come one, we can get some food, I know your hungry" he smirked

"Your hungry" I laughed.

"Come on, I'll go get John, you meet me by that stand with the frozen lemonades."

I started walking towards the frozen lemonade stand, and waited in line. It was going pretty fast but, very LONG. Suddenly I could feel breathing down my neck and ear. I giggled because it tickled.

"Craig, sto--, Oh my go-, REALLY, WHAT THE HEL--"

"Watch your back, and tell your little boyfriend to watch his. keep your eye out."


I cried a silent cry, not trying to let the people around me know my business.

"Mommy, what's wrong"

"HUHHH!, Oh, John, hey, you okay?'

"I asked you first mommy" John being a smart ass.

"Where's Craig?" I asked him.

"Right here" I felt some breath on my ear and jumped, and then I flipped Craig over.


"SOORRY, OH MY GOSH, I'M SO SORRRY" I kept saying sorry. I didn't know what else to say or do.

"You....know...karate" Craig said on the ground.

I feel like I broke something of his.

"NO, Something else that's probably illeagal."



Everyone around us was saying things under there breath. Especally "Oh my god", and "Did you see that", "Did you see what she just did". I picked him up and John tried. He so cute with his little body trying to help mommy. Awwww.

"You okay?" I asked nervously

"Why did you do that?"

I would have told him that I thought he was James, but that would probably be bad and start a scene, then I would end up crying. again.

"Where did you learn th--, nevermind"

"ARE YOU OKAY, do you need me to take you to THE HOSPITAL" I started to laugh really loud. It was kind of funny seeing his face when he fell.

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