Welcome to NYC

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Tears prickled my eyes, he cheated on me with Sarah? I can't be mad at him because I brought this upon myself. "It was before I even met you. I never slept with her again, the only person I slept with after her was you, and only you. Even if it was when you felt like it. You think I'll go with a hoe because you don't want to have sex with me? You clearly don't know me at all."

"Our relationship is strictly business nothing more and nothing less, just plain and strict business." He stepped away from me after that and pressed the button, making the elevator descended once again.

The door opened and he walked out, and I walked after him, feeling bad for thinking he'd cheat on me. I thought you didn't care? A voice scoffed in my head, you make a jealous scene and act as if you were the best of the mates when you only gave him shit.

Shut up! The truth hurt doesn't it? I blocked her out after that. I didn't need her whiny ass making things worse. He walked to his car and opened the door for me, I slowly walked toward him and got inside.

He closed the door and walked toward the driver seat, opening the door as he got in. He started the car and drove away, we didn't say a word. The ride was quiet and still, not even the radio was playing.

I sighed, looking out of the window.

The car ride came to an end as he parked his car in the parking lot and I opened the door, getting out. I started to walk ahead and entered the restaurant. "Table for one?" A girl around seventeen asked. "Two." Devil said from behind me and the girl nodded, walking with us toward a two seat table in the back. We sat down in front of each other and the girl placed the menus in front of us.

I opened mine and hid my face as I pretended to look at the menu, the truth was that my hunger left when we had the argument in the elevator. I wasn't in the mood to eat at all. "Can I have the number five and a water please?" I closed the menu and gave it to her as I ordered, my crossed arms on the table as I looked out of the window. Devil ordered his food and the girl left to give our orders.

We stayed in silence before our foods came and I grabbed my fork, picking some salad with my fork, forcing it down my throat as I chewed not really chewing. I put the fork back down, moving it around not really hungry.

When we finished eating Devil paid and I stood up, walking ahead. I pushed the door open and got outside, the door opening behind me as Devil came out. "I'm going back to work, your driver is here."

He told me as he leaded me toward Jordan who was parked a few cars away from his. I walked toward Jordan and stepped back when he opened the door for me, "Remember, we leave at eight tomorrow." He told me before he turned around and walked toward his car.

Jordan closed the door and headed toward the driver seat, opening the door as he got inside and closed the door after him. He started the engine and backed out of the parking lot, driving us home.

The moment we arrived I went into our room and pulled out my luggage, the first thing that was set to go was the birth control pills. I grabbed a small bag and stuffed the package in with my other toiletries.

I went to the closet and picked some of the clothes that I found appropriated for New York. I didn't know for how long we'll be there so I packed for a week, a week and a half. I put my shoes in the bottom and placed the clothes on top, my makeup bag on the side with the toiletries bag. I zipped the luggage when I was finished and lifted it, rolling it to the side.

After that, I went to take a bath, my muscles felt stiff and stressed so I needed that bath. I slid in after filling the tub with warm water and relaxed my arms on each side, my head on the edge as I leaned in. I closed my eyes at that, relaxing my body. My eyes popped open when I heard the door close and knew that Devil was home. I heard his footsteps before it stopped, "You packed everything?

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