Trouble in Paradise

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I blinked my eyes open at the beeping sounds of a machine filling my ears as my head moved side to side. My blurry eyes caught the infuse in my hand as I lifted it up, my eyes glancing up at the bag connected to it. "You're finally wake." Someone said before Devil appeared in my sight, rubbing my arm. "You scared me, a lot. This was nothing compared to when you had fevers." Aw, I grazed at my inner bottom lip as I stared at him.

"What happened to me?" I asked him groggily and cleared my throat, "Can I have some water please?" I asked him and he nodded his head, pouring a glass of water for me. "Thank you." I drank the water and gave him the empty glass.

"I don't know, we were eating at the restaurant and you said you needed to go to the restroom and you fainted. They called an ambulance and we brought you in and the doctor ran some tests, the results are still not ready." Devil told me and I sighed, his fingers brushing my hair.

The door was knocked before the doctor came in, "Mrs. Stone, glad to see you awake." The doctor said as he gave me a smile, "I have some bad news but not that bad to be alerted." He told me as he looked down his board.

"We found a highly percent of hormones in your blood, we did some tests and those hormones were from the birth control you're using. As a werewolf, these human products don't work very well on us, and tend to make us sick later on, it could even get you killed."

Devil turned to look at me, "You were on birth control?" He told me getting angry and the doctor sensed it, giving us some time alone. "Since when? Since when Adriana! Where did you even get that stuff from?"

"Since we mated the first time, I used it before so I couldn't get pregnant." He snapped and I flinched, tears filing my eyes. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to get pregnant." I cupped my mouth to hide the sobs escaping my mouth.

"I had sex with you like an idiot, thinking that you might get pregnant but you were on fucking birth controls! You knew, you knew how much I wanted a child and yet you stayed quiet about it?"

"But I didn't want a baby, I wasn't ready! I'm still not ready! I'm just a kid myself to have a baby. I just thought that you'll understand." I pressed my shaky lips together as more tears fall down my cheeks.

"Understand? Understand! How?! Tell me fucking how?" He shouted at me, "How can I understand if you never came to me and say, I'm on birth controls, I just hope you understand that you can't get me fucking pregnant!"

"You wanted a baby so bad and I just didn't want you to be mad at me, I thought that, if I stayed on birth controls a few more years maybe when I was ready......" If looks could kill, I'd be in Timbuktu.

"A few more years?" He laughed sarcastically, "You may think of you as a kid but I'm not, I'm not getting any younger and I won't wait until you're ready. No one is ready to have a baby, if everybody in the world wasn't ready to have a baby we wouldn't exist right now. No one knows when to be ready for a baby, it just happens."

"Well I'm not ready, I don't feel ready and if you don't want to accept it then leave me, go find someone else that wants to give you want you want. It's my body and if I don't want a baby, I don't want one."

"Well too late, I have you as my mate and whether you like it or not. Sooner or later you'll get pregnant and you can't do anything about it." Devil barked out at me and before he turned around and left, closing the door behind him.

I flinched at the sound and turned to the side, curling up my body as I let my tears fall. What the hell is wrong with you? What was that? I think it's time for you to woman up and stop acting like a fucking brat, you're no longer a child as much as you want to scream it to the world. You stopped being one when you gave yourself to him, so how about you put your shit together and stop ruining other people's life.

I blocked her rant and pressed my eyes close as I burst into sobs, my hands holding the pillow as I sniffed. When the doctor didn't find anything else wrong with me, he released me from the hospital. The ride back to the hotel was quiet, no one said a word. We were leaving tomorrow in the morning, so the moment we arrived, I went to our suite and started to pack my things.

"Are these your birth controls?" Devil asked before he made his way toward the bathroom, I stopped what I was doing and rushed behind him. He pulled the packages out and started popping them out one by one, letting them fall in the toilet.

"What are you doing? No!" I tugged at his arm but he pushed me away, popping out all my pills into the toilet, flushing it. "How could you?!" I shouted at him as I shook my head, tears blinding my vision.

"How could I? How could you?!" He threw the empty packages to the side, stalking toward me as I backed away. I flinched when he grabbed my arms, "The doctor told you in front of me that these pills can kill and you still want to take them? For what reason? For not wanting a baby? So you prefer to die than to get pregnant? You disgust me."

He yanked his hands from my arms as if I was a disease, "I don't know you anymore, you went from a girl who read to kids to a girl that wants to get rid of one? Because that's what you're doing, have you ever wondered if you were pregnant while taking these pills? Because they don't work at all with werewolves but against it."

"Can you stop please?!" I barked out at him as a sob broke from my throat, my legs crumbling beneath me. "Why are you doing this?" I looked up at him as tears blinded my vision, "Why are you torturing me?"

"Torturing you?!" He barked out at me, "No sweetheart." He shook his head with a sarcastic smile, " You're torturing yourself." He spat out at me, "I hope you're happy, maybe you can never get pregnant due to some damages that, that damn birth control pills caused!"

He pulled me on my feet, dragging me out of the bathroom to the bedroom. "Let go of me Devrick!" He tossed me on the bed and started to take his clothes off. "What are you doing?!" I crawled back away from him. He rushed on the bed, grabbing my legs as he yanked me forward.

I kicked and screamed, his hands turning into claws as he tore my clothes off. "Devrick please no." I touched my chest to cover myself, his hands pushing mine away as he broke my bra in the front. He pinned me on the bed, his legs pushing mine open even though I kicked and screamed for him not to.

I pounded at his chest, tears streaming down my face. My mouth gaped as a silent gasp left my lips, a shaky breath following after from my lips as I tossed my head back. I closed my eyes tightly, removing this memory from my head, pushing it far in the back of my mind. The painfully ache was the only memory of this force intercourse that I couldn't get rid of, my fingers gripped the sheets as I curled up my body, sobbing silently.

I couldn't help but feel that this was my fault, I put this upon myself. He had the right to be angry at me, he's right. Maybe I could never get pregnant due to the use of the birth controls. He had the right to be angry but don't ever think that him forcing you against your will was deserving because that's not true.

"God dammit Adriana!" Devil barked out at me, "Look what you made me do." I flinched when things came crashing down, "Do you know how bad I feel now? I was angry by the fact you lie to me and made me a fucking fool, I didn't want to lose my chances now that you were off that fucking pills!"

I sobbed harder at that, the guilt killing me even more. "Fuck! Adriana......" He got on the bed and pulled me toward him as my body racked with sobs. I leaned onto his chest, his arms wrapped around me. "I hate seeing you like this, and most of all because of me."

I glanced up at him, "I'm sorry, this is all my fault." I sobbed, "If only I hadn't took those pills. I was scared, I didn't want to get pregnant at the time. I felt that I was young, and I'm sorry if I hadn't take the time to think about you. And only thought about myself, it was selfish of me to do that."

"Don't, don't pin this on you, what I did was uncalled for. I took you against your will for God sake's! How can you even think that you deserve this? That it's your fault. It's not. I'm the one that should apologize not you." He hugged me tightly with a sigh, his hands running up and down my back as he kissed the top of my head.

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