Chapter Twelve

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Cass beamed, greatful he liked her works.

“Yes, of course.”

“Great, let’s start with ‘Void’. ‘Deathly cold torrents flood the chasm that is my soul, agony eternally unbroken within my devastated heart. My sentiments fail to recall what it is like to be whole, nix save desolation echoes within, my world torn apart. My very humanity burns for what it cannot acquire, as this nature bounds dreadfully for what is forbidden. The focus of my being impressions as if it were on fire, proper contentment from mine eyesight is maliciously hidden. I on no occasion knew life to be so piercing and meticulously cruel, never before have I felt so guilt-ridden and unreservedly ruined inside. More's the pity! I had trusted love to be enough, like an utter fool, and now the throbbing pain is covered me so that I have nowhere to hide. I feel traumatized; I cannot arise to being, without him there is no sense in living. Sounds enveloping, days pass without distinction or rhyme, heartache so potent it conveys literal corporeal pain. Absent without thought, seemingly unmoving in time, I am unable to distinguish if I am mad or sane. Yet does he ever feel me? Can he realize my ceaseless devotion? By what means can I endure, a shell with no soul wasting away? The formerly friendly waters of my love are now a disquieting ghostly ocean, by means of my numbering the hours of darkness since he has gone away. Under no circumstances had I thought I would allow it to become this excruciating, I have permitted misery to surround myself, grotesquely devoid of mercy. Alack! For disgrace, how might I let existence become so unbearably agonizing?  I must declare great fault for his face is in everything I see. I feel traumatized, I cannot arise to being. Without him there is no sense in living. I am far too undeveloped to misplace my soul, like such I am much too young to feel this old. Alone I am left to mourn, frozen in time. I sense that I am losing my mind. Deathly cold torrents flood the chasm that is my soul, agony eternally unbroken within my devastated heart. My sentiments fail to recall what it is like to be whole, nix save desolation echoes within, my world torn apart.’ That is beautiful, but I think we might have to take the language down a level so everybody can understand it. I love the feeling of it though. It was written with such honesty and feeling. You’re really talented.” He read aloud, then fixed her with an indescribable gaze.

“You really like it?” she breathed.

“Yes, but it’s so dark. It doesn’t seem like you at all, not the you I know.” He frowned.

“That is because you make me happy.” She shrugged. “I wrote that long before I met you.”

“Ok. It’s seriously really good all the same.”

“Thank you.”

They worked together for a long while on making her songs suitable for the band, finally setting the finished works aside. Nearly an hour had passed and Cassandra sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, Nothing, I am just saddened that the time is moving so rapidly. Perhaps we should go to the park some other day.”

“You read my mind.” He grinned. They spent the remaining two hours talking, listening to music and kissing. When three o’clock arrived it was with some reluctance that they left her loft to meet the rest of the coven. Justin had left his black shirt back at her loft and she had decided to leave her purse as well, carrying her phone and her keys in her jeans pocket. They walked to Acacia Park slowly, Justin’s arm slung protectively around her shoulder and her arm wrapped securely around his waist. As they caught sight of the coven her phone buzzed, making her jump. She had told everyone that she was busy when she and Justin had been working on her songs and only Terrik had texted her since. When she pulled the text up it was from Ter and she sighed. Where are you? She didn’t fully comprehend why it mattered to him but she replied nonetheless that she was in the Park and slipped her phone back into her pocket.

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