“Luke, sweetie, I love you but it changes nothing. I can’t leave Justin, not yet. Could you please content yourself with my heart and the knowledge that we will be together again soon, and after that we shall have all of eternity together?” it was her turn to entreat.
“Leaving him now would be bad for the coven?” He guessed and she nodded. Luke let out a long sigh, mulling her proposal over. “Do whatever you feel is necessary. I will wait for you till forever.” He finally declared, kissing her hair.
“Thank you.” She whispered, and then pulled back. “You better get back in there before they miss you.”
“Alright, but remember that I wanted to tell you. Remember that I love you, Cassandra Nozomi. Remember that, if nothing else.” He kissed her on the cheek swiftly before exiting the kitchen and she went back to making her pies, feeling confused and guilty. She had betrayed Justin by kissing Luke, for admitting that she loved him while she was supposed to be in love with Justin. What was going on? Last night she had been so sure that she was falling madly in love with Justin, and right now she felt that same deep affection for him but on top of it was her love for Luke that had never truly died. She had buried it when she met Kyle, but it has always been there. She couldn’t sort this out. Would she indeed keep her word to Luke and leave Justin as soon as it was safe, or would she bury her feelings for him once more and let their relationship play out? What is it that she truly wanted? She searched herself as she finished making the pies and set them in the oven to bake before starting a pot of water for the spaghetti noodles.
“Are you done in here?” came a soft voice from the door way and she looked up to find Justin staring at her hopefully.
“I have to stay to watch the noodles, but you can help me if you wish. I don’t need to move around anymore.” She smiled halfheartedly as her stomach sunk with remorse. She was still one hundred percent undecided.
“Great, I was getting lonely.” He grinned, walking over and enveloping her in his arms. “Everyone out there has a girlfriend besides Luke, Preston, Tylor and Spencer. I was feeling left out.”
“Oh, is Jessica here? I cannot wait to see her again.” Cass brightened at the prospect of seeing another old friend.
“Yah, she reminds me a lot of you, you know, apart from her super shyness.” He commented.
“Yes, she’s a sweet girl.” She allowed. “Justin-sama, do you think you would be able to spend the night again? I know it’s asking a lot but…”
“But what?” he asked kindly, holding her tightly.
“I need you.” She admitted softly.
“I’ll see what I can do.” He sighed dramatically, pulling out his phone. He dialed his home number and waited as it rang though. Cass heard a woman answer and Justin rolled his eyes at her. “Yah mom, it’s me. Did you get the car ok?” there was a pause while she answered. “Yah, I’m sorry I called so late last night but you know how it is, losing track of time.” Another pause. “Uh huh, yah I understand. Listen, I know I wasn’t there last night but I need a favor.” He smiled at his mother’s reaction. “No, I don’t need any money. Uh, Preston got totally ripped on by a girl he really liked and he’s real torn up and stuff and he was wondering if I could spend the night tonight. You know how he is, over emotional lug.” He paused as he listened to her reply and Cass marveled at how easily the lie came to him. “No, I know. Yah, he just kinda needs me you know, so he doesn’t start cutting again because this chick really hurt him.” He rolled his eyes again as his mother said something. “Yah, you can give Raichel my entire allowance if I can stay with P.” There was an extremely long pause and then he smiled. “Thanks so much mom, I’ll see you later. Love you, bye.” He hung up with a triumphant grin. “I can stay all weekend if that’s what it takes.” He announced proudly.

Falling Embers (Abandoned)
FantasyWhen a social outcast finds acceptance in a group of highschool seniors she is confronted with the ghosts from her past. Cassandra Hikaru is a young woman with a passion for people but she can't understand her newfound powers. Is she super human? Or...