Chapter Fourteen

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“Explain what? That you about as good as lied to me? What, because you didn’t think it was important? Or that I even deserved to know?” he fumed.

“Please, it has only been four days. You know that I would never lie to you, I had not summoned enough emotional strength to tell you yet!” she whimpered helplessly. He fixed her with a hard glare, then his eyes melted into liquid hazel and his expression softened.

“What am I going to do with you?” he sighed.

“Stay with me?” She suggested hopefully.

“Alright, you win.” He chuckled, kissing her hair quickly before ensnaring her in his arms. She kissed his hand before breaking free of his grip and turning to face him.

“Why don’t you go join Spencer and the others? I need to talk to Luke alone, ok?” She asked pleadingly. Justin’s eyes narrowed and he sighed.

“Fine, but I’m not going far.” He huffed, walking towards his friends.

“Dating down these days?” Luke asked in what was a brave attempt at nonchalance.

“He accepts me for who I am and asks nothing more from me. Right now, that’s exactly what I need.” She said softly, watching Justin stop just out of hearing distance and slump against the nearest tree angrily.

“I accept you too.” Luke’s voice was pained and pleading. “Why won’t you even consider taking me back? It hurts me to see you with him.”

“I am sorry for wounding you, and I hope that we can remain close friends.” She parried the question. 

“We belong together.” Luke shook his head.

“How so? You left me with the impression that we had outgrown each other.” She reminded him pointedly. He had caused more than his fair amount of pain when he had ended things back in high school.

“I was an asshole back then. I miss you Cassie.”

“Yes, well the damage has been done darling, there is no way around it. I am sure Ashley would be more than pleased to have you back, why don’t you find her?” Cass seethed. All of the hurt from the past was welling up inside of her and her words had more of a bite than she had meant. Luke’s face displayed several emotions in rapid succession. The first were shock and hurt at the low blow, then acceptance and then one of penance.

“She’s no you.” He breathed.

“Damn right she’s not. You had your chance dude, Cass is mine now.” Justin said irritably, appearing behind her and making her jump.

“Hey now, none of that.” Ter cut in, seeing the look on Luke’s face and stopping things before they got out of hand.

“You know, something has changed about you, Cassie.” Tina interrupted, scrutinizing Cass affectionately.

“I do not know what you mean.” Cass muttered. Tina’s aura was intuitive and she was afraid of what she might say.

“Sure you do, I can see it in your eyes.” Tina replied, holding her gaze.

 Can you hear me? Tina’s voice echoed in Cassandra’s mind. She was watching her with a steady gaze as Justin and Terrik exchanged pleasantries beside them.

Cassandra gasped in shock, eyes wide.


Ah, so you’ve become like us.

I beg your pardon? Cass couldn’t believe it. They were communicating mentally. What had this world come to? One day you decide to jump off a cliff and gain supernatural powers instead of death and then learn that the friends you’ve known since grade school can hear your thoughts? This was madness!

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