Chapter Five

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 They met in the middle and Anna was positively glowing with excitement. “I take it you found me alright?”

“Hi! Yah, I just asked the front desk where the Lewis building was and they gave me directions. I was just walking up when I saw you. Your red hair is kinda hard to miss.” She grinned. November took the opportunity to really study Anna for the first time. Before now their only interaction was calling orders to one another and discussing duties at work. Anna was thin, but well built. She wasn’t sickly thin like November; in fact she looked positively healthy. She had shoulder length light brown hair with side-swept bangs that half-obscured her left eye, sparkling blue eyes, cream colored skin and a full face with dazzling features. She was a very beautiful girl and today she was wearing a tight-fitting blue shirt that hugged her curves perfectly and a pair of denim skinny jeans. Her feet were graced with sleek black heels and she wore a myriad of bracelets and rings. Her ears had three holes in each ear and each sported a different set of earrings. Her neck displayed a black rope that held a silver and blue turtle as its charm. She looked absolutely enchanting.

“Yes, I am very discernable from a crowd.” She agreed with a smile. “How was business after I left?”

“Oh you know, it was slow after the lunch-time rush and then the two thirty rush came. Luckily Ginger came in at two otherwise I would have been sunk.” Anna laughed easily as they headed back to the main office.

“Who is Ginger?” she queried.

“She’s this high schooler they hired to take the afternoon shift. For some reason she gets out at twelve thirty, she goes to this weird go-at-your-own-pace charter school. She’s a sweet girl but she won’t shut up about the latest drama going on in her circle of friends. I don’t care; I don’t know any of them. Besides, I’m done with high school! Why would I want to relive it vicariously through her? She just doesn’t understand why Josh dating Stephanie right after he broke Brittany’s heart doesn’t enrage me. I mean, yah I feel bad for this Brittany chick, but I honestly could care less.” She prattled.

“Could not,” Ember corrected automatically.


“You could not care less. If you could care less than you care at least a little bit because you are able to care less. Sorry, I’m a grammar snob.” She smiled apologetically.

“Oh, yah no you’re fine. I mean you’re right. I totally did not catch that, thanks.”

“You are very welcome. So what are some of your major interests?”

“I’m really into acting and directing. In fact that’s why I’m working at Starbucks; I need to save up some money so I can major in the theater arts. I also love to talk and I’m totally into shows like NCIS, Covert Affairs, Burn Notice and Criminal Minds. I like to read, fantasy mostly like the Inheritance cycle and I’m obviously a movie addict because I love theatrical presentation and I go to a lot of plays. That’s pretty much it, I mean I hate sports with a burning passion and hiking, or running, or exercising in general is not my thing. I like to sing though, not that singing has anything to do with exercise, I just remembered that off the top of my head.” She jabbered.

“That is very cool; I enjoy almost all of those things as well. I do not go to very many plays. I have been somewhat of a recluse for a while now. Perhaps you could help me with that, drag me to plays and auditions and what not. I think it would prove interesting to be in a play together. I cannot, however, agree about exercise. I am top of my Tae Kwon Do class and I enjoy centering myself and allying body, mind, and soul. Someday I might be able to convince you to try it.” November smiled, spying Justin leaning on the hood of the Toyota again.

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