It was exactly as she had promised, nothing more than a house. The coven and Anna gazed at it for a while, taking in the simplicity of it. The house was painted grey with white trim and the bay windows upstairs stood open in hopes of tempting in a fall breeze. The porch was decorated with a plain white porch-swing and a matt that said welcome and Cass sighed, breathing in the familiar scents of pine trees, wet wood and manicured grass.
“Welcome to the Shadow Wolves hideout.” She smiled. “This is not what you expected, is it?”
“Nope.” Preston said honestly, coming to stand beside her and Justin. “This is Aranon’s second house?”
“Yes, his other home is a beautiful mansion much larger than this.”
“How does he afford it? You said he was a teacher, right?” Spencer marveled.
“He inherited a great sum of money when his father died.” She said sadly.
“Well, shall we join them?” She smiled, nodding towards the front door.
“Lead the way.” Justin hummed happily as she laced her fingers with his. She led them up the front steps, pausing to grab the key from under the matt and unlock the door. Once it was unlocked the door swung inward to reveal a small hallway that lead to a staircase, doors on either side halfway down opening into the kitchen and the common room. She took them to the door on the right, leading them into the spacious common room. There most of the gang was spread out, Ryuu and Shyam playing video games on the PlayStation, Chan and Ran snuggling in Ran’s favorite arm chair and Daily relaxing next to Shyam on the couch as Luke looked perfectly at ease sprawled out on the love seat.
“Moshi-moshi!” She called as the coven filed in behind her, looking around in wonder.
“Took you long enough.” Ran grinned.
“You sped.” She accused.
“Only a little.” He laughed.
“Great, Cassandra’s back.” A cold voice droned and Cass recognized Katrina Dietrich curled up on Ryuu’s other side.
“Hello Katrina, how have you been?” Cass said civilly.
“I’ve been great, so why don’t you just leave and keep it that way?” She raised one eyebrow coolly, shaking her dirty-blonde bangs out of her eyes. She hadn’t changed much since Cass had last seen her, still sporting a wardrobe of nothing but dark colors and her dish-water blonde hair down to her waist. The only difference is that she was being openly affectionate with Ry, something she had previously been emotionally incapable of due to being hurt so badly before.
“Ouch Kat, what did she ever do to you?” Ry asked softly.
“Yes, I would like to know that as well. What could I have possibly done to make you hate me so?” Cass asked pleadingly.
“If you leave now, it won’t matter.” Kat suggested hopefully.
“Katrina Anastasia Dietrich! That was uncalled for.” Ran scolded.
“It does not matter, I am back and there is nothing she can do to sway me.” Cass sighed, pulling Justin over to the second armchair Ter and Tina normally occupied and sinking down onto his lap.
“What did the dog drag in this time?” Kat asked, looking from Justin to the rest of the coven still huddled in the doorway.
“Come on in and make yourselves comfortable. The beanbag chairs belong to the twins, but you can sit anywhere else.” Ran motioned them forward. “Kat, this is Cass’s coven; Spencer” Ran pointed to Spencer who had taken seat in the rocking chair next to the doorway “Tim, his girlfriend Anna,” Ran pointed to Tim and Anna as they sank down on the floor next to Spencer “Tylor and Preston.” He continued, pointing to where Tylor and Preston had occupied seat on the floor in front of Shyam and Ryuu. “The one Cass is so eloquently using as a chair is her boyfriend, Justin.”

Falling Embers (Abandoned)
FantasyWhen a social outcast finds acceptance in a group of highschool seniors she is confronted with the ghosts from her past. Cassandra Hikaru is a young woman with a passion for people but she can't understand her newfound powers. Is she super human? Or...