Chapter One: Falling

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November glanced up as she made her way down the busy streets of Down Town Colorado Springs, avoiding everyone’s curious gaze. November Hikaru wasn’t your typical twenty-one year old. In fact, she wasn’t typical in any way. Her hair was cut short, in an almost Pixie like style, and was a shocking shade of red. Most people thought she dyed it regularly, but it was all natural. Her eyes were the next most noticeable trait that set her apart from her fellows. They were beautiful, spell-bound amber and seemed to ignite whenever she was exited or upset. They gave her a magical, enchanted look that made others either admire or avoid her. Last was her unnaturally pale skin despite being half Japanese.

Her mother had always told her it stemmed from her red hair, but she felt that it was an unasked for curse. Growing up she had been teased incessantly, called ‘ghost girl’ and ‘vampire freak’ by her peers. To complete this strange set of traits, today she carried an orange Japanese parasol that clashed horribly with her hair in order to avoid being burned by the scorching sun. She was attracting many a curious stare and distasteful glare as she approached Acacia Park. Something had told her to be here today, a feeling she could not ignore. Something had told her that today was the day she would find solace, find an escape.

She chanced a quick glance around her and shuddered. The people nearest to her were emitting a dark aura. On the surface they looked to be misled teens dressed in gothic attire merely for the attention their parents were too busy to give at home, but November knew better. Never before had she felt such reckless hate, such black power. Returning her gaze to her feet she wondered vaguely what she looked like to them. Petite woman, deathly pale with blood red hair wearing a gold silk three-quarter sleeve blouse, faded denim skinny jeans, black high-top converse, and carrying a vibrant orange parasol. She was a strange sight indeed. November smiled to herself before edging away from the depraved souls. Her rescue was not likely to come from ones such as them. If anything, they were in more need of one than she.

She soon found herself at the sunk-in play area landscaped in thick sand. It was strangely empty for the lunch hour, but this didn’t bother her. On the contrary she relished in the aloneness. She sighed contentedly as she sank down onto the empty swing, twirling her parasol behind her absentmindedly. Colorado was such a beautiful state, even more so in the transition between summer and fall. The weather was nice, the trees were lush and green and there was more often than not a fall breeze to play with the leaves, causing the outlandish shadows to dance. She had lived here all her life and yet the beauty of such a day as this never ceased to astound her. She could feel the dark aura approaching long before the boys she had passed earlier came into view.

They were looking at her in a way that made her quite nervous. What do they want? She wondered to herself as they came closer. A gentle breeze wafted her way and she stiffened, tasting their uncontrollable anger on the wind. Their auras had changed from dense blackness to black surrounded by a flaming red, confirming what her other senses had already told her. They were greatly angered, perhaps to the point of violence. Her parasol-free hand quickly released the chain of the swing, jumping almost instantly to the dagger concealed at her waist. November never left the loft without it, but today would be a first in having to use it. Soon they were within hailing distance and she watched them warily.

“Hey sugar, why you look so scared?” the one that appeared to be their leader asked. He had shoulder length black hair with his bangs swept over his right eye. His left eye was a deep, soulful brown and sported thick layer of mascara and eyeliner that trailed down his cheek in the imitation of a tear. A black diamond fishnet shirt, fake ARMY dog tags and a studded wristband comprised his upper torso while black skinny jeans tighter than should be legal and hot pink VANs covered his lower extremities. Forcing a sweet smile to play upon her lips, she replied to him.

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