Chapter Eighteen

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Avenged Seven Fold’s Scream suddenly rang out and Justin fumbled in his pocket for his phone.

“Sorry, it’s my mom.” He shot Cass a worried glance before answering, pushing back from the table. He retreated into the corner, speaking softly into the mouth piece as conversation erupted around the table about his ring tone. Apparently Alex was not an A7X fan and Preston was arguing with him across Daily as Joey mimed playing a guitar and mouthed the words to ‘Scream’ behind his back. Cass laughed at his performance and he winked at her before resuming.

“Hey, Cass, my mom wants to talk to you.” Justin said softly, tapping her on the shoulder. He nodded down at his phone held against his chest and then back to the corner he had been occupying and she stood, following him. “Yah, yah she’s right here.” He said before handing her the phone.

“Cassandra Hikaru speaking.” She said politely, giving Justin a quizzical look.

“Hello, Cassandra is it? This is Andrea Scott, Justin’s mom. How are you doing dear?”

“I am wonderful, thank you for asking. How are you, Mrs. Scott?” she replied and Justin fidgeted with her hand.

“I’m doing fine. Listen, I haven’t seen my son this happy in years and I am anxious to meet the reason he’s light hearted again. I know he probably hasn’t told you, but I invited you for dinner sometime,” she gushed.

“Oh no, I assure you he informed me of your gracious invitation last night, thank you. I would be delighted to join you. If you so desire, I would be more than pleased to assist you in the kitchen beforehand. I have been told that I am a very adept cook and it would give us a chance to get to know one another.”

“Oh that would be just wonderful! When do you want to do this? Any day works for us after six, that’s when John gets off work and Raichel finishes ballet.” Mrs. Scott enthused.

“Does Saturday evening work?” She asked Justin. He nodded.

“Yes that works fine, dear. I can’t wait to meet you.” Mrs. Scott answered, under the impression that the question had been meant for her.

“Magnificent. I shall see you Saturday then.”

“Alright dear.”

“I shall hand the phone back over to Justin. It was a pleasure talking to you, Mrs. Scott.”

“You too, Cassandra. Bye now.”

Cass gave Justin his phone and he held it up to his ear, gazing at her.

“Uh, yah. Uh huh. Yah, ok. Bye mom. Love you too.”  He snapped his phone shut with one hand, the other still entwined with hers. “Are you sure you want to meet them?”

“Why not? I do not see the harm to be done; besides, it gives us more time to spend with one another. If I engage your parents in conversation long enough I might convince them to let me spend the night seeing as how I don’t have a car.” She smiled.

“If you say so.” He shrugged, letting her lead him back to the table.

“Time to stretch out, I’m cramped.” Ter declared, pushing back from the table. There was a murmur of agreement as everyone stood, stretching their muscles before heading back to the common room together. Cass followed Ran out and laughed. He had brought his pie with him, guarding it possessively. It was already one third of the way gone. The rest of the evening passed in a colorful blur of talking and joking with everyone. Even Kat seemed to warm up a little by the end of the night and Cass left with the coven, feeling light hearted and idyllic.

“Damn Red, I had no idea you could cook like that.” Spencer complimented her as he pulled out onto the side street, heading back the way they had come.

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