Chapter:16 A day to remember: Can't believe I am dancing with you.

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Ava's POV

I am on the dance floor with Mandy.The DJ is playing Akon's international version of 'Chamak Challo', a Bollywood number. Evelyn and me used to love dancing to this one at home.

I remember waiting for Min Ho ssi to come back and finishing two more cocktails. I kept glancing at the direction he went to see if he returned. Next thing I know I am sleeping on the bar table.

I woke up with a start on hearing his voice. My head was spinning and I remember him bending and looking at me. I was so glad to see him again. He almost laughed at my explanations. He seriously thought I had passed out. But when he reminded me that he promised to spend the day with me. I didn't know what to say...It was really thoughtful of him and he sticked to his word.

Right now I am showing Mandy some typical Bollywood dance moves especially the ones used in this particular song. I didn't asked Min Ho ssi to come with us thinking he might refused.

The song is a groovy number and you can't help tapping your feet to the beats.

Jack came and joined us. Both Mandy and me were laughing our heads off seeing him imitate my dance moves. We were having so much fun.

I can see Min Ho ssi at a distance looking at us from the bar.The music kept changing.There were so many people on the dance floor now. The space getting lesser at the moment. Jack and Mandy were dancing together now.I didn't noticed Min Ho ssi coming up behind me.

"Min Ho ssi. You are here?"

I asked astonished finding him beside me, not at all expecting.

Just then Jack shouted as he came near us with Mandy giving him a friendly hug.

"Hey man. You finally came?"

The DJ started spinning fast numbers,mostly Hip hop.

'The way I are' by Timberland came and Jack was again shouting at us.

"Now thats my number!"

Getting the beat right Jack started moving. His movements were jerky and smooth. His hands and legs were doing the popping and locking in sync with the fast music just like the famous Moose dance in the movie 'Step up'. It was Jack at his goofiest best. All of us were clapping and hooting now. As he finished off with a cool move he motioned Min Ho ssi to join him.

I could see that he was bit hesistant in the beginning but suddenly I find his body move to the music. His feet moving and doing a moon walk finishing with a spin.

I just couldn't believe it. It was so unlike him. He seem to be enjoying it and all of us were clapping and cheering him.The DJ again shuffled the music and another track played 'Low by Flo Rida', an infectious dance number.

Four of us are now in the middle of the dance floor moving to the music and everytime the line came 'She hit the floor'. We are shouting it aloud. We even did our own version of the 'low low' dance move, our feets stomping and our hands waving in the air.

I never had so much fun dancing and I was enjoying my first club experience. By the time the song ended we were tired but we didn't stop.The DJ now changed the music to a bit slower numbers. 'Is it you' by Cassie is playing now. Another hit song from the same movie.

Jack and Mandy were now dancing close to each other. Both of them hugging and kissing each other. It was a bit akward but it was sweet to see them gazing at each other adoringly. Min Ho ssi signalled to me that we should give them some space. I waved at Mandy to let her know that we will be dancing nearby.

So many couples are moving slowly to the music. It was difficult to squeeze past through the hundred of bodies. I was following him trying to keep up with as he made through them. He suddenly caught my hand and he was now leading me to a part of the dance floor that was a bit spacious. We are now moving slowly to the music. Min Ho ssi was saying something to me. I couldn't make out what he was saying with the music playing so loud. He bend his head and whispered in my ears.

"I couldn't believe it first but you dance really well."

Maybe it was the beats of the loud music or the drinks I had or the fact that he was whispering so close to my ears. I could feel my pulse racing. My heart beat hammering in my chest. I signal him to bend and I whispered back.

"You too Min Ho ssi. You are a fabulous dancer."

He is now smiling. A big grin in his face.Although the lights are dimmed in the club, I was drawn to his beautiful eyes shining in the dark. It was captivating and mesmerizing me. I realized that I was having butterflies in my stomach.

We are now moving and dancing close.Everytime our bodies met accidently, I could feel the sparks tingling my senses.

So this is how it feels like...I have read in books or watched in movies but I am feeling it right now and with whom? I still can't believe I am dancing with him.Few days back I would have never imagined this...It was more then I wished for.

I closed my eyes...I wanted to hold onto this moment.

I am so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realized that some of the guys dancing nearby was getting close to me. I felt someone pushing me and a hand on my back. I immediately recoiled getting startled.

Before I knew what just happened I find myself pulled and standing behind his tall frame. His face had darkened,his eyes blazing with anger. He was standing face to face with a guy I have never seen. Their eyes locked now.

Min Ho ssi was shouting.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

His voice dangerously raised now.


Yoon Joo 's POV

I am irritated. Earlier this evening when I met Min Ho Oppa I was so surprised but I was also happy. Although I met him last summer at a party I never got to talk to him. He is always surrounded by so many people and mostly girls. I am here in Europe on my annual vacation. I am meeting up with friends including Jin sa Won Oppa. I know he is interested in me. We both belong to rich influential families and we move in the same circle. But right now, the only guy I am interested is Min Ho oppa and he is not giving me any attention. I thought I was lucky to meet him here but someone is spoiling it for me. Some girl.What was her name?

Whatever. Wasn't he dating the actress Min Young? What's up with this two? Are they just friends?

I am standing at one corner of the dance floor. I could sense Jin Sa Oppa getting pissed. I refused to dance with him. He had gone to the dance floor few minutes back with his friends and returned with a scowl on his face. I am too busy looking at two people dancing together.

I saw from the corner of my eyes as Jin Sa Oppa whispered something to his friend Victor. Victor has a bad reputation with the girls. Jin Sa Oppa is upto some mischief and I wonder what trouble he is brewing...I will be finding out soon.


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