Chapter-27 Day after:You and me-1

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" Let the wind carry your heart" # Blackbird #ALTERBRIDGE

Ava's POV continued

The well maintained bike lanes in Amsterdam with separate bike symbols and traffic lights makes cycling safe and enjoyable experience. We have been cycling for almost an hour occassionally stopping for the trams to pass by us and at designated stops. Min Ho ssi was still not revealing where we were headed. He kept checking the map from the bike shop and the GPS navigator on his phone.

We left behind the hustle and bustle of the main city as we seem to reach the outskirts. We could see the countryside coming up. It had been a while since I rode a bike but gradually I was able to keep up the pace as I followed him. We passed by a sign that announced that we were in the town of Zaanse Schans. Green wooden houses and traditional dutch buildings dotted the landscape. We meandered our bikes through the small town and finally Min Ho ssi slowed down his bike on reaching a place that looked like a vast open green field. Thats when it slowly came into view what he had come looking for. We kept our bikes next to the already parked bikes at the end of the field. While he locked the bikes for both of us, I removed the helmet and walked ahead of him to the edge of the field and stood there staring at the group of windmills on the bank of a river. It was just like something straight out of a pretty postcard but more vivid and beautiful because you are seeing it with your own eyes. Windmills are integral part of dutch life and a visit to Amsterdam is said to be incomplete if you missed seeing one. I never thought I will get a chance to see one.

"So are you liking the view?"

He asked me as he came and stood beside me.

"Wow, this is so beautiful. Its absolutely fascinating. I cant believe you wanted to visit this place," my voice trailed as I was filled with awe watching the windmills visible at a distance.

"I had come across the brochure yesterday and today when I wanted to visit this place, I thought of coming here with you. I mean it is such a beautiful place and I thought you will like it..."

He replied after pondering for a while like he was measuring the words. I didnt know what to say.

"Thank you Min Ho ssi for bringing me along. I really like it. I think its the best part of my Amsterdam experience"

I told him sincerely as I looked at him. He smiled back at me, his eyes straying on my face for a second longer. He quickly looked away as if realising what he was doing.

"I think we have to walk quite a bit to get a closer look"

I said judging by the distance of the windmills from where we were standing.

"Yeah, maybe we should race each other if we want to get there faster"

He chuckled as he studied the distance we had to cross to reach them.

"Are you serious?"

I asked him increduously.

"Of course not. Come on, I cant race with a girl. I was joking!" he replied looking at me.

"Min Ho ssi, you mean to say that I cant beat you because I am a girl"

I told him with a challenging look. He gave me a quizzical look squaring his brows ,surprise evident on his face.

"You really want to race with me?" he asked me definitely amused by hearing my reply.

"You bet?"

I said as I bent down to unfastened my wedge sandals and holding them in my hands.

"Alright then" he said and to my surprise he also did the same by untying his shoelaces.

"You got to be fair and I am not going to go easy on you because you are a girl"

He told me with a grin.

"Bring it on Min Ho ssi" I said with a confident smile.

"On the count of three," he told me as we got ready.


He shouted as both of us sprinted through the field at the same time. The adrenaline was kicking in as the fresh air rushed through my lungs. I could feel the wind blowing on my face as I raced against it. The soft grass were yielding beneath our feets as we ran on them. I was ahead of him for a comfortable distance but then I made the first mistake of turning my head to check on him. He was coming up behind me, the wind in his hairs and looking breathtakingly handsome.

The second mistake was when he gave me a gorgeous smile which made me momentarily forget that I was racing against him. He sprinted past me giving a light playful tap on my head as he gained on me leaving me behind by a good distance.

I mentally slapped myself for loosing my concentration and did my best to catch up with him. By then I was tired, my strength already used up in the begining. I finally reached the decided finishing line lagging behind him by a margin. I could see him waving his hands at me as he shouted jubiliantly at me.

"Ava, I won. Yes!"

I knelt down on the grass clutching my stomach.

"Its not fair Min Ho ssi! You have such long legs "

I exclaimed as I caught my breath. I was not going to tell him that I got distracted by him.

"You are blaming my long legs! Sincha(really) I cant believe you"

He replied laughing. He flopped down next to me lying flat on the soft grass with a huge grin on his face. I was totally exhausted but I couldnt help laughing seeing his expression. Some curious bystanders were giving us the 'are these people nuts?' look but we couldnt care less.

"Wow, that was good !"

He told me finally lying still on the grass gazing at the sky. I merely smiled hearing his reply happy to know that he enjoyed it.

"Is that your phone vibrating?"

He asked me suddenly interrupting my thoughts. I had kept my bag on the ground next to me. I quickly grasped my bag and found my phone. It was a call from home.

"Min Ho ssi, I need to take this call. Its from home. I will be right back "

I said as I got up to pick up the phone.

"Hello dad. Is that you?"

I answered hearing his voice on the other end.


Author's note:

To be continued.

p.s uploading tonight. I need coffee!! :))

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