Chapter-32 For you-1

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"What I hear when you don't say a thing."# When you say nothing at all # Allison Krauss


Ava's POV continued

Nothing could have prepared me for that call. Hearing him take her name was just like a sudden jolt back to reality. More like someone abruptly waking you up from a beautiful dream making you finally realised that it was too good to be true.

I quietly walked away from him and found a spot near the bank of the river. I watch the water catch the reflection of the afternoon sun. Even the stillness of the pristine clear water couldn't couldn't calm me down. Just like the breeze causing cascades of ripples on the surface of water I was gripped in a whirlwind of emotions.

I can't blame the call for what I was feeling right now. How can I forget that you have someone else in your life or the fact that we belong to completely different worlds. Somewhere along the way of life our paths had collided accidently. In the end I am just a fan who was lucky enough to spend some of my life's precious moments with you.

But for some unknown reasons why did it felt right? Like for some fleeting moments I thought we connected. Or did I imagined seeing in your eyes that maybe...just maybe you felt the same way what I have been feeling for you all this time. How can I be so naive and dream with my eyes open?

I closed my eyes running my hand over my arm the thoughts consuming me. I could feel the warm of the sun on my face. I remember the exact words Mandy had told me before we parted "Follow your heart". A stray tear trickled down my face. I quickly wiped it away. My heart wants nothing more than your happiness. Before everything else I am your fan and I travelled this far from home for you. Nothing else matters to me. Even if it means that I will not be able to let you know my feelings. There will be no regret...In the morning I had promised myself I will not let you feel akward because of me. I have to act normal like nothing ever happened.

I sensed him coming up behind me. Ava, this is it. Be strong. I told myself as I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I slowly turned to face him. Our eyes meet suddenly and something exchanged between us. A silent unspoken understanding.

"A call from New York? Sorry I couldn't help overhearing"

I asked him in a voice without a trace of what I was feeling at the moment. I saw him look at me studying my face closely.

"She must be missing you."

I told him finally with a smile as our gaze meet again. He tore away the gaze from me and simply nodded his head placing both his hands inside his pockets.

A minute of dreaded silence.


I heard him called my name after a pause. Hearing him struggled with the words I knew he was going to broach the topic about what happened between us before the call. I know he was having a difficult time as I watched him stand beside me which made me even more resolved that it was upto me to make everything right again.

"Min Ho ssi. I am so sorry for what happened earlier. I can't believe but I can be so clumsy at times."

I told him carefully avoiding his gaze as I nervously flipped my hair back giving him an apologetic smile. I could feel him stare back at me.

"I think we should head back now. Its getting late."

I said as I checked my watch.

"There is a place I like to stop by on our way back. I have to pick up something."

I gestured with my hand towards the direction of our parked bikes. I quickly turned away and started walking slowly hoping he would just follow me and not make it harder than it was right now. Thankfully he didn't questioned me the reasons for the hurry or acting in that manner as he followed behind me at a distance.


Author's note:

I almost thought of putting it on hold since I wasn't getting much reads or feedback especially the last few chapters. Although I have been drafting it on paper and in my mind. But I ended up uploading because I wanted to continue and for those wonderful readers who are still following the story(including the silent ones) :))

#The lines I have highlighted in the beginning of few chapters are actually lines from songs that reflect the theme of the chapter if not whole

*Next chapter coming up tonight only. I always end up updating late! Its the only time I get to collect my thoughts.

P.s I have edited the chapters in the beginning especially the mistakes. I know some were pretty bad :D

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