Chapter-39 EPILOGUE

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Huge waves are crashing onto the large rocks. I could see the deep blue sea extending into the distant horizon. The wind is blowing gently into my face. I am standing on the top of a hill watching it all. The hill is covered with a blanket of yellow flowers. It looks like it is springtime. The yellow flowers are in full blossom. The heady scent of the flowers and the smell of the sea are intermingling together stirring my senses.

I have never been to this place but somehow I strangely felt at home. I realised that I am not alone. Someone else is standing beside me holding my hand. I could feel the warmth of his hand. Slowly I turn around so I could see him clearly. But suddenly everything becomes blurry and I can't see his face.

I opened my eyes and I find myself on my bed. Its the same dream again. And yet again I ended waking up at the exact moment.

I could hear the rustling of the leaves outside. If I will look out of the window of my apartment I will find the golden red leaves of maple trees piling up on the streets. The early autumn morning will be crisp and cold. Instinctively I pulled the covers snuggling inside my light quilted blanket.

My phone was vibrating. I reached for it under my pillow and found it. I had recieved two voicemails. I opened the first one turning on the loudspeaker. The now familiar deep voice of Daniel fills my room.

"Hello, goodmorning. Sorry for disturbing you so early. But I wanted my voice to be the first thing you hear in the morning. Allright, maybe I am sounding a bit corny."

He was laughing now. The whole hearted laugh that was so him.

" And yeah I wanted to remind you of our date on the weekend. I already checked your duty rooster and you don't have anything scheduled so that means that you are not giving me one of your excuses. Right, I am hanging up now. Bye and take care."

The voicemail ended with a beep. I smiled remembering how he had made me agree to go out with him. I just couldn't refused him. Maybe it was the right time to give him and myself a chance.

The next voicemail was from Mandy.

"Hi girl, good morning. Right now I am rushing for my morning shift. Are we still up for the shopping? We could maybe meet around five in the afternoon after work. What do you say? Just wait for a second. Eric dear, will you please stop running around. Jack, can you please get him? Oh dear, he is just like his father. Ok, got to go now. See you later. Love you, bye."

I could see Jack running around the kitchen to catch little Eric. Eric is such an adorable bundle of energy and was already full of mischief.

I lay in the bed holding my phone for a while. My eyes felt on the dangling mobile chain. After all these times it was still sparkling everytime it catches the morning sunlights seeping through the curtains. Suddenly I find myself getting up and crossing the room to stand in front of my closet. Dragging a chair, I climbed on it to reach for my old luggage. Zipping open it, I searched for my notebook. Flipping through the pages I found what I was looking for. I am looking fondly at an old photograph in my hand. Four people are smiling for the camera. I stared at it for a while and I gently run my fingers over the picture of someone....someone who is smiling back at me through the picture.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2012 ⏰

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