Running Free

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Zosia didn't know where she was going.
All she knew was that she had to get away, away from the accusing faces and questions about if she could cope.
She turned down another street an ran across.
She didn't see the car.
The driver got out as fast as he could and dialled 999. He looked at the woman lying on the road completely unconscious, she'd ran out right in front of his car and he'd had no chance to stop before he hit her. He'd put his brakes on as fast as he could and thankfully she didn't seem to be bleeding out. He kneeled beside her and checked her phone to find out her name. The ambulance arrived and he filled them in with the information that he had found her apparent nickname was 'Zosh', probably short for Zosia and she worked at the hospital.the paramedics scribbled this information down and after quickly checking the woman over they lifted her onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, while the police checked the car and assessed the situation. The man watched the ambulance go round the corner and race towards Holby City Hospital, which thankfully was only a few minutes away. He hoped 'zosh' would be okay.

Jac was sat at home. She didn't think it would be a good idea to follow Zosia as it would probably annoy her more.
The phone rang and Jac rushed towards it hoping it would be her lover, she picked it up as fast as she could and listened.
"Hello are you Jac Naylor?" A female voice queried.
"Yes why?" Jac replied, she had a bad feeling about this already.
"We're sorry to inform you that Zosia March has been brought to hospital via ambulance after she was hit by a car on Holby Park Road. She's currently in theatre but she should be okay." The voice informed.
The redhead leant on the counter to support her. How could she have let this happen to the woman she loved?! "Thank you" she managed to stutter.

Jac sat beside Zosia in the AAU department. She was still asleep as the general anaesthetic was wearing off. She'd just had surgery to fix her spleen as it had ruptured in the accident. The consultant sat with Zosia's hand in hers, waiting for her to wake up so she could say how sorry she was.
Zosia's eyes flickered open and she gazed at the bright lights, remembering why she was here. Remembering the argument she'd had with Jac earlier.
"I'm sorry" she whispered, knowing that the person holding her hand would most definitely be Jac.
"What? Why are you sorry?" Jac questioned, "it was me, I shouldn't have pushed it!"
"You where trying to help! I just didn't accept it, anyway you're right again! I'm not going to be able to work tomorrow! Look at the state of me huh?" Zosia chuckled as she said the last sentence, "what injuries did I actually get anyway? I was black out I earlier I presume?"
Jac smiled and nodded, "yeah and it's not too bad, you ruptured your spleen but Henrick saved that and you've still got it, which is good, and you've got a fractured arm. It's not too bad as the car was going pretty slow thank god!"
They talked about random things for a little while longer until suddenly the heart rate monitor started beeping wildly and the digits on the screen when up and up and up.
Jac stood paralysed with shock for a second then she shoved the oxygen mask over Zosia's face and shouted in the general direction of the ward, "CAN WE GET SOME HELP IN HERE PLEASE?" She set Zosia's bed back to the flat position and then Raf and Serena burst in.
"She's got an internal bleed, we need to get her into theatre now!" Serena called and Raf grabbed one end of the bed and began wheeling it out of the room towards the theatre.
Jac turned and watched them leave before running and finding Hanssen to help with the operation.

Jac sat in the AAU staff room waiting for news on Zosia. She'd been in theatre for an hour now and while she knew her girlfriend was in the best hands she couldn't help but worry about her. Jac looked down at her hands, they were twisting around each other without her realising, and her leg was jiggling under the table. Morvern came in and offered her a cup of tea which she declined politely.
A few moments later Raf burst in and gave Jac the news "she's fine but we're going to keep her in HDU as a precaution, okay?"
"Oh thank you," The consultant cried and stood up abruptly, knocking a pile of textbooks over in the process. She stopped to pile them back up but Morven stopped her and sent her on to see Zosia.
"Oh Zosh I'm so glad your okay!" Jac exclaimed as she entered the room. Her eyes fell upon Zosia sat up in bed with all sorts of monitoring systems attached to her.
"Me too," Zosia laughed and pulled her lover in for a hug, "I love you so much Jac"
"I love you too," Jac replied and watched as the brunette slipped into a peaceful sleep.

God I spend all my time writing this, I hope it's good enough!

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