Healing Hearts

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"Jac!" Zosia exlaimed, tears still streaming down her face. She was shocked by what she saw. Jac was so small and fragile, her face was paler that usual and she was attached to lots of different machines which were all beeping steadily. Zosia made her way over to the bed and took Jac's frail hand in her own, kissing it softly.
Her touch woke Jac up and she turned slowly to face Zosia. She let a few happy tears dribble down her face with a smile,"Zosia!" She grinned.
"Jac, I'm so sorry. I love you, I really do. But I couldn't control myself and I just wrote the note in the moment and then went home with Dom and proceeded to get very drunk, please let me fix it. I'm so sorry, I broke you too!," Zosia blurted out as soon as she'd seen the redhead wake up, "you're not fat at all. You never were! And even if you were I'd never leave you because of it! Jac I love you. But you need to eat. I promise you're not fat, you almost killed yourself by not eating. I missed you so much once I regained my logical mind, and all I wanted was you. But I thought you would be with someone else, that you wouldn't have cared anymore. I messed up my chance with you. Sacha told me what had happened and I just want you to get better. I understand if you hate me now and never want anything to do with me, but at least now you know."
They both had tears running down their faces by now and Jac tried her best to speak through them," Zosia it's not your fault, please don't beat yourself up. And I still love you, I only want you. I'm so sorry that I didn't try harder to find you, and I do want to have something to do with you! I love you so much, I wouldn't leave." Jac pulled Zosia into her for a hug and planted a kiss on her forehead, "shhh, it's okay. I'll be okay and you'll be okay. We'll be okay and our relationship is fine don't you worry about that." Zosia smiled and they sat comfortably for a few minutes.
Jac looked at Zosia awkwardly, "Zosia I, can you get me a muffin? Because I know, I know that it's fine now. I know I'm fine. I just needed to hear it from you, "Jac paused for a moment, before smiling and continuing in a sarcastic tone, "you can't trust a psychiatrist."
Zosia managed a small giggle, at least Jac was getting back to her old tricks. She left the room and went to buy a muffin in pulses, where Sacha cornered her again.
"So how did it go?," he asked her.
"Good, we've both realised that we missed each other and it wasn't either of ours fault, it's just unlucky about how our brains are," Zosia giggled slightly at her remark, turning to the cashier," 2 teas and 2 lemon drizzle muffins please." It was her and Jac's favourites. She collected the food and drink and made her way over to the lift.
"That was delicious!" Jac exclaimed, smiling at Zosia. The brunette smiled back and leant forward, placing her lips on Jac's. Jac returned the kiss. They pulled away and Jac laughed,"that was better than the muffin!"
Zosia giggled too and they snuggled up together on Jac's bed, Zosia still in her clothes and Jac in her pyjamas, as she refused the hospital gown. They fell asleep clinging onto each other as if protecting each other from the outside world. They both knew it would be alright now, and that they were fine.
Ollie came to check on Jac's stats in the night and saw the two women smiling in their sleep. Instead of looking at them akwardly like he had done before, he smiled too. They brought so much happiness to each other and they cared so much. He wanted someone like that for himself he thought.

Mo came into the room in the morning and gave the good news, "Jac everything's fine, so you'll be discharged today after I've signed the paperwork."
Zosia and Jac caught each others gaze and smiled at each other.
"Okay, well get on it then!" Jac replied in her consultant like manner. Mo chuckled at the comment as she left the room.
Jac took Zosia's hand, "dinner out tonight?"she asked, "I can't be bothered to cook, and anyway we deserve a survivors treat!"
Zosia smiled, "yeah definitely! Maybe at the Olive Garden?"
"Oooh my favourite!" Jac exclaimed in agreement.
Mo burst back into the room waving some papers, "all done, off you go! I should say you both need a treat of some description."
"We're going out for dinner, to the Olive Garden!" Zosia explained happily.
Mo smiled, "awe, enjoy!" As she left the room.

"Zosia come on let's go!" Jac called up the stairs. They'd been home for about 5 hours and were just about to head out to dinner at their favourite restaurant.
Zosia sat upstairs a few tears dripping down her face, she couldn't get her makeup right and it was upsetting her. She wanted to look perfect for Jac, for their night out. She heard Jac shout up to her and then footsteps on the stairs. She brushed away her tears and stared at her face. She had mascara smudged down her cheeks from crying and her eyeliner was wonky. Tears dribbled down her face again. Jac burst into the room and looked at her.
"Zosh, shhh, what's wrong?" She comforted her girlfriend, pulling her in for a hug.
"I can't get it right, I want to look good for you but it's not working." Zosia mumbled.
Jac left her on the chair, turning it around to face her. She walked to the bathroom, grabbed a bottle of makeup remover and some cotton wool pads before making her way back to Zosia. She knelt down in front of her and sloshed some remover on a pad. She wiped off Zosia's makeup and dried her face. She took a brush and dabbed it into a nude eyeshadow, which she lightly brushed onto Zosia's eyelids,. She then took a liquid eyeliner and neatly outlined the brunettes eyes adding a cat flick at the end. Jac took Zosia's favourite mascara and wiped it across her lashes, before she curled them and brushed her brows into perfect shape.
She swivelled the chair around to face the mirror and Zosia gasped, "wow! Jac how did you do this?" Jac smiled.
"I'll teach you sometime," Jac winked, "but we need to get going now!"
The two women walked out of the house, one with poker straight ginger hair, wearing a smart black trouser suit and the other with wavy brown hair, wearing a short navy dress.
The latter one locked the door and they both piled into the back of the taxi waiting outside.

A/N these chapters take me so long to write, especially because my fam are quite strict about when I can have my phone. Anyway hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully I can publish another chapter in a few days! If I'm quick, tomorrow but probably not.
~ Eloise ❤️

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