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Jac and Zosia strolled into the Olive Garden restaurant hand in hand, stronger for what had happened. Jac smiled to herself, it was the first time she'd felt truly content in the last few days. The couple sat down at a booth table and pulled the menus out of the rack, spreading them out on the polished wooden table top.
Zosia glanced at the options, eventually deciding on her usual,  Seafood spaghetti.
Jac had opted for her favourite too, Cheese and broccoli pasta.
The lovers discussed their choices and a waiter came over too take their order. Jac spoke for them both, in her usual business-like manner. She ordered the two pasta dishes and a bottle of white wine too share.
When the waiter left Zosia turned to Jac and took her hands into her own, resting them on the table. Jac smiled and brushed her fingers over Zosia's knuckles lovingly.
"You know, in some ways I'm glad what happened happened," Jac began to speak, locking eye contact with her partner, "it's made us stronger, I can tell. It's shown us that we can get through even the toughest times together and that we can fix any problem!"
Zosia's eyes filled with tears of happiness and Jac chuckled, "Oi don't cry Zosh, you'll ruin the makeup I did specially for you!"
Zosia giggled at Jac's comment and a waiter appeared with their food and drink. He placed the dishes on the table, then the glasses and the bottle of wine. He poured a little of the liquid into each glass carefully, not spilling a single drop.
Zosia and Jac began eating their food, chatting between themselves about various unimportant topics as they enjoyed the tasty pasta.

A few hours later Jac and Zosia halved the bill between them, and made their way out of the restaurant, clutching each other's hands. As they stepped onto the pavement the cold hit them and Zosia exhaled deeply in shock as her hair stood up on end and goose bumps appeared on her arms. Jac wrapped an arm around the brunettes waist in an attempt to warm her when both of their phones buzzed at the same time. Jac pulled hers out of her pocket and looked at the screen, immediately noticing that the contact was Henrick Hanssen.
Zosia had her phone out too and they both read the message.
Too All,
Please come to the hospital asap, there's been a major road accident involving 5 full cars and we need everyone we can get. If you are able, please come.
"Oh God!" Jac exlaimed as she read the message, knowing that would have been what Zosia got too.
The Olive Garden wasn't too far from the hospital, so both women pulled off their heels and set off running towards the hospital, dodging around the few pedestrians left along the streets. They'd not drunk much at all, leaving half the bottle of wine at the restaurant.
After just a few minutes they could see the hospital and they picked up their pace, seeing 3 more ambulances pulling up outside the Wyvern wing entrance.
Jac screeched as she felt something sharp cut into her foot, catching Zosia's attention.
"What is it Jac?" She asked the consultant.
Jac brushed it off, "just stood on a stone or something, it doesn't matter, lets go!"  The redhead ignored the pain that seared through her foot as she put weight on it, she had to get to the hospital and help the poor people involved in the accident.
The two Cardiothorasic doctors burst in through the doors and sprinted into the lift with a the ambulance crew and one of the casualties, who was strapped onto a board with a kneck brace on, incase their spine had been damaged by the impact. There was blood all over the young woman's face and her arm had a large shard of glass in it. When the lift doors opened, revealing the Darwin Cardiothorasic and Neurosurgical ward the two young doctors where the first out of the doors, sprinting towards the locker room where they hurriedly swapped their evening wear for the dark navy scrubs. They both grabbed there stethoscopes from their lockers and rested them around their shoulders, as they ran back out into the ward, Zosia grabbed files and sheets to record obs of the patients into, whilst Jac was immediately whisked away to theatre with Sacha, Ric and Hanssen to perform emergency surgery on one of the worst casualties who had ruptured their spleen and broken quite a few ribs, sharp ends of which where dangerously close to the internal organs.

5 hours later Zosia was passed out on Jac's office sofa, and Jac's head was drooping as she sat at her chair, piling up the files of discharged patients who had had to leave to make space for the emergency casualties. The redhead picked up her phone to dial for a taxi and organised one to arrive in 5 minutes. She gathered her and Zosia's items, piling them into a bag and slinging it over her shoulder. She woke Zosia and supported her drowsy frame as they made their was down in the lift. They walked slowly over to the waiting taxi, and Jac opened the door throwing the bag in before helping Zosia inside too. The consultant got in beside her and gave the taxi driver their address. She settled down into the leather seats as the taxi navigated through the blackened streets of Holby.

A/N the promised update! I hope its satisfactory, took me forever and I've been so busy (doing absolutely nothing) and I haven't written anything. But here it is! Also if anyone uses my ideas in their storylines please give credit! It takes a lot of time too come up with a half decent storyline! So anyway, so excited for next weeks Holby (and disappointed because Jac's not in the cast list! Cry cry!) !!!! Thank you too all 330 people who've read this! Crazy!
~Eloise ❤️

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