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Chapter 8

*Brett Sandberg's POV*

I walked into Joe's office after practice and sat down in his chair. He left me his starting roster tomorrow so I could look over it while he went to a coaches meeting, leaving me alone in his office. As I checked everyone on the starting lineup's stats, I heard yelling. I set it aside and continued read through everything on his desk. Then, I heard it. I heard fist on face contacts, making me jump out of my seat and run into the locker room. 

"AYE!" I yelled, running over to the crowd of people. The boy made a circle around two men beating each other. "MOVE!" I hissed, pushing the men out of the way and ripping the tall, dark hairs boy off of the man on the floor. "GET HIM UP!" I growled, pushing the bruised face back and David Ross caught him. I helped the other bloody face off the ground and pushed him over to Addison Russel. "Someone explain..." I hissed and everyone was quiet. "RIGHT NOW!" I growled and Kris cleared his throat as he wiped his nose. 

"He's the reason I had to cancel my fucking wedding!" Kris growled and I rolled my eyes. 

"Please tell me he's kidding..." I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead. "That's not the reason you beat him up, right?" I hissed, glaring at him and he just looked down at his feet. "We, all of us, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU STANDING IN THIS DAMN ROOM, ARE PART OF A TEAM!" I yelled, making sure I looked at every man circled around me. "Here's a brilliant idea, you ready? Take this energy, and do something useful with it!" I hissed, glaring at Kris. 

"Yeah, Bryant! Don't just jump people!" Anthony Rizzo spat, wiping the blood off his split lip. 

"DON'T YOU DARE!" I hissed, quickly turning around. "You, you're his brother. When you sign your contract, you're signing to be part of a family, not just part of the team. We, are family! You, are all brothers! We don't hurt each other on or off the field whether it be emotionally or physically, it doesn't happen!" I gulped and everyone just looked at me. "We win as a team, we lose as a team, we tie as a team. We grow as a team, we learn as a team, and we take care of our team! From now on, every travel night of after every practice, we will eat together, as one big happy family because that's what the hell we are!" I yelled and everyone just stared at me blankly. "You wanna know something... This is why you're the lovable losers! You lose, you act all upset, but when it comes time to fix what went wrong, you all stand there with blank expressions on your face. Look at your stats, look at tapes, you all have the fundamentals and the skills to be here, to win a ring! Hell, you all have better form than everyone else in the damn league! The difference is, they play as a team. You, you play like we forced a bunch of enemies in the same room and told them to all wear the same uniform." I hissed, storming towards Joe's office. "Fix it, NOW!" I growled, slamming the office door, falling back into his big leather chair. 

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