A New Tail Has Begun

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Hayden's POV
I walked in the dark jungle. All by myself. I couldn't turn back now. Not after everything that I had said that Kayla. She would just hate me. She probably never wants to see me again.

But I can't believe she didn't feel like she could trust me enough to tell me her secret.

I would love her even if she had horns. But a tail? I could learn to deal with that.

I just can't believe I was so stupid. I shouldn't have left. Because now I have no idea where I'm going. No idea how to get back.

I was walking, silently cursing to myself, when I accidently tripped up on a root.

I held in what I felt like saying and replaced it with my other 'swear word'.

"Fruck. Fruck. Fruck." I said. Over and over again.

Somehow, it seemed to help, as my ankle didn't hurt anymore.

I got up and bent down to check my ankle for any signs of damage.

I looked it over a few times, since it was dark, just to make sure that I didn't fracture anythung.

When I felt that I was okay to get up and walk again, I rose to my feet and I started walking, breathing a little heavier now.

The whole time, all I could think about was how much I hopped that Kayla was alright. And how sorry I am for leaving her.

She probably thinks that she's not good enough. Again. I don't want her to ever feel like that again, let alone it being my fault she did.

I don't know what I would do if she wasn't in my life. I would still probably be with Stacy or something.

"Kayla! Kayla where are you?!" I called out, for what felt like the millionth time.

And again, no reply.

I sighed deeply and decided to take a break. I found a log nearby and sat down.

All of a sudden, there was a bright glow, seemingly coming from a cave that was just around the corner from me.

I got up, being my curious self, and decided to investigate. I walked closer and closer to the glow of yellow light and I saw that when I turned the corner, it indeed revealed a cave.

I walked in, wondering how it could be possible that there would be a yellow light coming from a cave with no fire or torches.

I walked cautiously through a maze of halls until, finally, I reached what looked like the middle of the cave.

There was an odd looking carving on the wall of the cave. It was of a trident and it glowed a very bright blue.

I was still a bit confused about how there was no other source of light.

I put my hand to the trident and something amazing happened.

It glowed even brighter than it had been before and this time, the carving pushed into the wall of the cave.

An opening under my feet exposed itself and before I knew it, I was falling.

With a big splash and a very uncomfortable landing, I rose to the surface, to find myself in the moon pool that the group showed me.

I looked up, trying to locate where I had just fallen from. It looked as if nothing was there, because the ceiling was all sealed up again, leaving no trace of there ever being a hole.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a girl ask.

I snapped my head to where her voice was coming from. I did not expect there to be anybody here.

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