Chapter 10 - LA here we come

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Landry's P.O.V.

It had now gone a month since Ricky was here. We had talked/facetimed every day since and now me and Lauren just had gone on summer break. Today we were going to fly to LA to visit Ricky and the other's in Forever In Your Mind. We had talked our parents into letting us spend the summer there and we were so excited. Lauren couldn't believe she was going to meet Emery today and I was really happy to see Ricky in real life again as he was a really close friend to me now. Now we were at the airport and waited to board our plane.

"Omg, I can't belive that I'm going to meet Emery today! And then spend the whole summer with him, this is going to be the best summer ever!" Lauren said and squeled.

"It's going to be so much fun, I can't wait to see Ricky again and show him the portrait I did of him for my A-level in Art class." I said and smiled.

"I knew you'd like him. If I didn't had persuaded you to meet him again none of this would never have happend" She said and smiled.

"That's true and I'm happy you did. He's really nice and down to earth plus his humor is the best! So thanks for being annoying and dragging me to that concert." I said.

"You're welcome and you two should so date! You are really cute together, I'm so shipping Randry!" She said and smiled widely.

"I only like him as a friend Lauren and what the heck is Randry?" I said.

"It's your ship name! Landry plus Ricky equals Randry! Mine and Emery's is Lemery!" She said excitedly.

I laughed and then we got to go omboard at the plane. The flight took abit longer than 6 hours and I spent most of it drawing. I started drawing Lauren in side profile with the window behind her and when we were almost in LA I had finished it. We landed at 4 pm in LA time and we headed towards the baggage claim to get our suitcases.

Ricky's P.O.V.

Today Landry and her best friend Lauren were coming to LA and I was so excited. I'd spend the whole summer with her and I had missed her so much. Emery came and picked me up at 3 pm and we drove to the airport. Now we were standing outside of the doors were all the arrivals came from. There were loads of other people as well who were waiting for someone to come.

"They landed at 4 pm so they should have got their baggage by now and be here in any minute" I said nervously and looked at the time on my phone. It was 4.20 pm.

"Are you alright man?" Emery asked.

"Yeah I'm just slightly nervous. I know I shouldn't but I haven't seen her for a month and I...." I said but got interrupted by Emery.

"You like her and wants to do a good impression right? Remember that she started to like you as a friend when you were yourself so that's what you should do now to and hopefully she'll fall for you." He said.

"I know... I doubt that but I'll try my best. I've never felt like this for a girl before, not even for Chloe. There's something special about Landry" I said and smiled.

"I'm sure you'll success and I'm excited to meet her friend. On the photos that you showed on Landry's instagram she looked really beautiful" Emery said and smiled back.

It then came a wave of people out from the doors and soon I spotted a familiar girl with long brown hair, it was Landry!

"Landry!" I shouted and smiled widely as I started to wave.

"Omg Ricky!" She said and smiled back before starting to run towards me.

I started to run towards her as well and as we came to each other she let go of her suitcase. I opened my arms and she ran into them. I hugged her tightly and in my excitment I picked her up and started to spin her around. After a long amazing hug I let her down again and we let go of eachother.

"I've missed you so much! I can't believe that your here in LA" I said and smiled widely.

"I missed you too. I really look forward to this summer it's going to be so much fun" She said and smiled widely back.

"Yeah it will" I said.

"So uhm this is Lauren, my best friend" She said and pointed at the blonde girl behind her.

"Hi I'm Ricky, nice to meet you" I said and gave her a friendly hug.

"Hii, it's so nice to meet you too" Lauren said and hugged back.

In that moment Emery came up to us as well.

"Hey again Landry. How are you?" He asked.

"Hi Emery, I'm great thanks. It's so nice to finally have summer break" Landry said and smiled.

"I totally understand that" Emery said and nodded.

"Oh Emery this is my best friend Lauren, she really loves you and are so excited to meet you." Landry said and looked over at Lauren.

"Hey beautiful, it's so nice to meet you." Emery said to Lauren and winked.

"H-H-Hi E-Emery...." Lauren said and blushed dark red.

Emery then hugged her tightly and I could see on Lauren that she was nearly dying of happiness. I couldn't help but smile at them.

"Awwh she finally got to furfill one of her biggest dreams to meet him, I'm so happy for her. They look so adorable" Landry said and smiled.

"That's really sweet... And I'm happy that you're here. I can't wait to show you around LA just like you showed me around to your favourite spots in Amityville" I said.

"I can't wait either, but LA is so much bigger than Amityville so it will take a while to discover everything" She said.

"Well we have all summer on us so" I said and smirked.

We then walked outside towards Emery's car.


So this is the start of Randry's LA adventures! I can't wait to write about it. And I hope you liked that the chapter was split into both Landry and Ricky's point of views :)

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