nateral habietate

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(wen I misbel SOMTHIN it DoSeNt correct itz selve XD meh phone nos meh so wel ^w^  )

Me:*crawls**is on fire*
Jaden:*films* here is the rare kayoticcuschanacus in itz natural habeetaiate  hope fully she DoSeNt spot me
Me:*flares nostrils**turns head slowly* well to...BAD!!! *Jumps runs around and screams*
*Suddenly falls on Jeff*
Jeff:*is on couch watching TV*
Me:**falls asleep on couch/Jeff*
Jaden:*is weirded out**backs away slowly* o...kkkkkk?
Me:*wakes up * *gets cola* *dumps all the cola on Jeff*
Me: :P
Jaden:MLG Beeeeewewbewbewbewbewbeeeewwwwww *dumps cola on him **again*
Jeff*is drowned in surgery goodness*
x     x

Me:*pokes Jeff* Jeff?
Jaden:*hey idiot!
Me:He ded
----------__-_------------*at funeral
Me:*pretends to cry **draws on his face **puts "white boi" on his face with permanent marker **puts tiera on his head *
Jaden:*highfives me*
Me:*misses **hits myself in face* nehghindm

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