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Jeff:*shoots up on couch after bad dream*
Ben:*looks over at jeff from the floor*
What was it about
Jeff: ....nothing....
Ben:...ok? I guess?
Toby:*runs in* wooooooooooooooppppppp wooooooooooooooppppppp
Jeff:*screams* OH NO ITS BECOMING REAL *screams louder*
slender: *is in a dress*WHATS WITH THE SCREAMING
jeff:*screams louder and runs out the mansion**climbs tree*

~~~the dream~~~~

Jeff:*wakes up*
Toby: wooooooooooooooppppppp wooooooooooooooppppppp
Ben:*turns to Jeff in high heels , dress and makeup* your turn pretty boy ;)
Jeff: what the actual fuck???
Slender: what's all the yelling about , dose Jeffy want a make over???

~~~~~end dream~~

Sally : *was messing with Jeff's dreams*

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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