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Hello its Christmas and I'm crying cause Jaden and her broke ass abusive whore of  a MOTHER won't let me see her and I'm like crying I'm not even kidding (of course the emo kid crying I also got pink for Christmas and its just like why!!?!?!?I dont like the color pink so why get this? Why must you make me suffer?I got COLOR FULL sneakers WHY!?!?!? WHY NOT converses? There the same price at which you bought the shoes she thought I needed to "change" my look and im like crying DX seriously!!?!? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?I dont wanna be rude and all but I kinda want the recite (I'm sorry but its true NOSE NOOOOOO EWWWWWWW A TEAR WENT  INTO MY FUCKING NOSE YYYYY???? NOW I HAVE THE SNIFFLES I DONT WANT THE SNIFFLES) WHY BLOODY HELL, I understand that people get abusied and there like "well my life is horrible" I UNDERSTAND OH MY FUCKING OH IM SORRY I MENT TO SAY FREAKING GOD JUST SHUT UP THE TIME Emo KIDS BREAK IS GIVING THEM A PINK DRAWING BOOK LIKE WHY"!??!) DX seriously
Anyways I was here to tell you that I have recently found out that I am homicidal and I was like....what? Then my therapist said that I could murder people and enjoy it without remorse and I'm just like WHY TELL ME THIS? and then she was like your not gonna murder anyone right? At that point and time I was like no but now that I think about it I really wanna do it, I almost killed my "best friend" in my "sleep" I strangled her and I was awake the whole time I was enjoying it and got mad when Karmyndy couldn't keep her mouth shut oh I should have killed her a long time ago ohhhh plans are made now see what my therapist did??!! See made me think of it!! Now I Wanna kill someone!!!! WHY!!! 
Anyways have a merry Christmas and a happy new year! I font have internet so if I stop posting like I did I'm sorry 😓😓😓 gomenosi plz dont eat me  ヾ(¯∇ ̄๑) I'm being srs Ok bye!

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