Chapter 6

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The group splits up after lunch, and even though Gabriel is the one in Dean's class, Lucifer walks with them to class, because his room is right next to Dean and Gabriel's. With anyone else, having one person in the class of both a senior and a freshman would be strange, but Gabriel's basically figured out that they're at pretty similar intelligence levels, even with the large age gap. It doesn't surprise him, because he's used to that type of thing. After all, Lucifer and Michael are basically the same age, but Michael is much smarter than him. It's not an insult, and Lucifer wouldn't take it as one if he were to say it out loud because it's just a fact.
"See ya in a few hours!" Gabriel says when they get to their room. He waves at his brother as he goes to the room across the hall before following Dean into the room.
Gabriel heads to his normal space in the back of the room. Most people sit in the back so no one will notice him, but Gabriel already knows there's no chance of him not being noticed. He is the most hyper person he knows, and he doesn't have anything to use his energy for. He isn't very athletic, unless extreme binge eating candy is a sport. There's no way anyone can not notice him. Gabriel sits in the back, instead, so he can be less annoying as his hyper self. After all, people come to class to learn. Okay, and he likes to be able to doodle while the teacher is talking.
Dean sits down next to Gabriel, not sure who else to sit with. It seems this family is going to be the closest to the Winchester boys during their stay here, because they are everywhere. In comparison to other people Dean has met, he has to admit that he rather likes them. Even little Castiel, who barely says a word, isn't so bad once you get him talking.
"I feel like I already know you from Sam," Gabriel says, trying to start a conversation. "So I'll probably come off as a creepy stalker. I'd just like to clarify that I am not, in fact a stalker, or an ax murderer, or a demon."
That gets a strange look from Dean that Gabriel can't read. It's not the amused look he was expected, but after a moment, Dean laughs and Gabriel can't help but smile to himself. He loves making people laugh, and he's pretty good at it, too.
"That's a shame," Dean says, grinning. "I'd love to meet another axe murderer. I feel like no one does that anymore. It's horrible."
Gabriel laughs. "That didn't even sound sarcastic!"
"It wasn't sarcastic," Dean replies, then whispers, "plot twist."
"Scary music play in the background," Gabriel adds. "As I run away screaming because I don't want to axe murdered!"
"What, would you rather be knife murdered?"
Gabriel shakes his head quickly. "No, no. Not that either. Can... Can you please not kill me?"
Dean shrugs. "Okay. For today."
"Phew, I was really scared there for a second," Gabriel says jokingly. "Wait, for today? How about forever?"
"Alright, fine," Dean says. "I won't murder you ever."
Gabriel grins triumphantly. "Thank god. I love my life way too much to be murdered."
Dean laughs. He can see why Sam likes the guy. The demon comment had him worried for a second, but he's a funny guy. Dean can pretend to be whatever he wants, and it's fun. He can just be a kid around him, something he never really got to experience. 18 isn't too old to be a kid, despite what his father would say. According to his father, there's no time for him to be a kid, and there never was. Maybe John isn't always right after all.

Sam has Anna in his class again after lunch, and he's thrilled. Out of all four of the siblings he's met, Anna is one of his favorites, right up there with Gabriel. Lunch was too short to figure much out about Lucifer and Castiel, but Lucifer doesn't seem too bad, judging by how quiet he was. Castiel, in the other hand, seems too quiet. A lot like him, actually, but unlike Sam, it seems more a matter of not liking people than being afraid of looking like an idiot. Sam finds himself wondering about Michael, the fifth brother. Why wasn't he at lunch? Will Sam ever get to meet him? It seems weird, meeting the other four but not Michael.
"Is lunch always like that?" Sam asks Anna, sitting in the middle of the room once again.
Anna shakes her head. "No, usually I keep Castiel company and Gabriel hangs out with Lucifer. We just all kind of meshed today. Everyone wanted to meet the new kids, I guess."
"I don't see why you don't like Lucifer," Sam says hesitantly. Is this a touchy topic? He wants to know, but he doesn't want to cross any lines.
"He isn't usually that quiet," Anna says. "You know, with the whole cat thing we were talking about, he's trying to stay out of Chuck and Amara's way. Those are our parents, by the way."
"Why'd he steal a cat anyway?"
Anna shrugs. "Who knows? I'll never understand that guy."
Sam laughs. "Yeah, same with Dean. I mean, he's great, and I love him and all, but I'll never understand him. Not really."
"Why not?" Anna asks, sounding genuinely interested.
Sam shrugs. "It's... It's complicated," he says finally. How does he explain it? How Dean acts like he doesn't care about anything, but at the same time, wants to make sure everything is perfect? Or how he doesn't take crap from anyone, but with their dad, everything is great? Or how about the fact that he acts like he's a king, but clearly doesn't think he's worth anything? He's just complicated.

Michael heard Dean question why he wasn't going to the cafeteria. With only one lunch at the school, he knows to seems strange for one to walk away from the cafeteria while everyone else rushes toward it. It doesn't bother Michael too much when people question his leaving. The benefits of being alone in the library outweigh the feeling of being watched for the few moments it takes to make his way there.
His classes are mostly in the library. There are four of them total, and, other than the mandatory one he has with Lucifer, all his classes are done on the computers in the library. It's basically his entire school, so it's where he feels most comfortable. He can do all his classes in half the time it should take, and have the last couple hours to donehatever he wants. Plus, he doesn't have to deal with the noise of the rest of the students. People rarely come in the library. If someone needs something, it's usually a pretty quick trip, and he's back to being alone.
He finds himself thinking about the new boy in school once again. How does he enjoy the company of both Castiel and Lucifer? He's have to make all the conversation with Castiel, but say basically nothing with Lucifer. Michael knows this for a fact, because he does hang out with Lucifer, by never had anything to talk about with Castiel. The two of them might as well be strangers, they share so little with each other.
Castiel has always been Michael's biggest regret. If only he had tried to talk to him when they were young, maybe they would be closer now. Michael likes Castiel, though a stranger wouldn't know it. He's sure they have some things in common, but other than the inability to make conversation, Michael doesn't know much about his little brother.
Occasionally, Michael tries to talk to Castiel, but it never works out well. He's tried asking a few things in hopes of starting a conversation, but Castiel generally has quick answers for them all. He sometimes wonders if Castiel doesn't like him. After all, he can talk to Anna, who he is pretty close with, but not much with Lucifer, who he clearly doesn't like. Michael wonders if the fact he barely gets a sentence out of his brother has anything to do with him personally, but he doesn't think so. Michael hasn't done anything to make Castiel dislike him, just as he hasn't had a successful attempt to get Castiel to like him.
Michael brushes it off. That's probably nothing. He's just a quiet kid, that's all. That has to be it. Michael's sure someone must have thought the same thing about him before too. He turns his attention back to the computer, looking for something to take his mind off things. Bored, he decides to look up his parents' least favorite topic, one he isn't supposed to talk about at all. The supernatural.

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