Chapter 7

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"I should probably get going soon." Chris said as he and Alex stared at the TV in Alex's living room. They were watching a basketball game and their eyes had been glued to the screen since the minute it started.

"Just stay till the end of the game. I'm sure Daisy won't mind." Alex said. He stood up and grabbed a bowl that was sitting on the coffee table in front of them. He then walked into the kitchen as the doorbell rang.

"Do you want me to get that?" Chris asked as he stood up. Alex hesitated and began to walk to his room.

"I'll get it just give me a second." he finally said. Once he disappeared inside his room, the doorbell rang again. This time, Chris stood up and walked over to the door with his eyes still on the TV. He opened the door as Alex walked out of his room. Standing in the doorway were two large men dressed in green.

"No disrespect homie, but we were paid to do this." one of the men said. He pulled out a Glock and aimed it at Chris. Chris turned his head quickly and before he could react he was shot in the chest twice.

"No!" Alex screamed as he pulled out his gun. He fired it and shot the second man in the shoulder. The shooter got away as sirens were quickly heard approaching the scene and Alex knelt down next to Chris who was slowly bleeding out.

* * *

"So which one is my target?" Mitchell asked as he scratched at the stubble on his face. Sitting next to him was Colton, who had both his hands on the steering wheel of the car they were in. Lance, the short and chubby suited man, was sitting in the back as the three watched two people from across the street.

"The man, Alexander Wells. He's the Chief of Police on our boss, your boss, wants you to take him out so his guys and take over the police department." Lance said.

"This city is going to shit real quick." Mitchell said.

"We are doing anything yet. Just scoping out the target. Checking what routes he takes, who is with him, where he goes. Ya know, the important stuff." Colton said.

"Right. Right. Important stuff." Mitchell said as he shook his head.

* * *

Across the street Catherine and Alexander were just reaching City Hall. They both walked in and most of the walk there was a blur for Catherine who had only one thing on her mind; get Donny Parker out of the police force. As they reached the office of Los Santos' mayor, Catherine felt extremely nervous.

"Alexander Wells! What can I do for you?" A man with slicked back black hair and a slick black suit asked.

"Paul Madden, how have you been? I'm just coming by to talk to you about something that's been bothering me and a fellow officer here." Alexander said.

"Oh, and what might that be?" Paul asked.

"A fellow officer, Donny Parker, went out of line the other day." Alexander said.

"Really? That's interesting, Mr. Parker was just in here. He actually gave me a security tape. Would you like to watch it with me?" Paul asked the two. Both nodded in response and Paul put the tape into a slot on a small TV on his desk.

As the tape started Catherine recognized it as the day her and Donny stopped the two men outside the corner store. While they kept watching Catherine remembered that Donny was about to shoot the man, but the videotape showed the bullet coming out of Catherine's gun. Her eyes went wide as Paul Madden stopped the tape and looked at both Catherine and Alexander who were in shock.

"As far as it seems, Donny Parker did nothing wrong. You are the one who should be taken off the force." Paul said as he stood up. "And that's exactly what I'm doing. Catherine O'Brien, you are no longer a member of the Los Santos Police Department."

"Sorry Catherine." Alexander said as he looked at her. Catherine looked back and forth at both of them before storming out of the building.

* * *

Jesse, Tank, Leo, and Rory were hiding out in abandoned shack with their Patriot left on the side of the rood a couple blocks away. They could hear Azteca gang members screaming at each other from all over and Leo thought they were done for.

"This all your fault Jesse!" Tank said in an angry hushed tone. Both Leo and Jesse looked at Tank with confused expressions.

"You were the one with the gun smart guy!" Leo shot back.

"And you fired that gun." Jesse added on. Rory pulled a gun out that was between his pants and back and handed it to Tank.

"And look who has the gun now bitches." Tank said with a evil grin. The sound of the Aztecas was starting to become distant and Leo was worried for a whole new reason. Tank aimed the gun at Jesse.

"You know you are a shitty leader Jesse." Tank said.

"Aw come on now nigga, put the gun down. I know you aren't this big of an idiot." Jesse said. Tank widened his eyes before laughing to himself.

"Did you hear that Rory?" Tank asked.

"I heard it boss." Rory said. Tank smiled and cocked the gun aiming it at Jesse's chest. Leo looked back and forth at the two sides not knowing what to do.

"This nigga thinks I'm an idiot. Just wait, once you are gone the Ballas will be the best gang in Los Santos. All thanks to me." Tank said.

"Was this your plan all along? Kill me and take over?" Jesse asked.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to do it, but it seems it's come down to me. See you in hell Jesse." Tank said as he fired the gun. Jesse dropped to the ground as Rory ran out of the shack and Tank aimed the gun at Leo.

"I don't got no problems with you Leo. Don't make me have one with you either. You are out of the Ballas but you're not dying today. But if I smell you coming around our parts, you're fucking done." Tank said. He then left the shack as Leo stared down at a dying Jesse. He grabbed Jesse's legs and pulled him out of the shack. Leo saw the pistol that Tank had used lying next to the shack.

"Nigga must've ditched the murder weapon." Leo said. He picked it up and saw someone driving on the road they were next to. He stepped out in their way and aimed the gun at the car.

"Get the fuck out bitch!" Leo yelled. A woman came out holding her hands up. Leo grabbed Jesse's body and put him in the back of the car before slamming the door.

"Stay with me. Stay with me." he said to himself.

"Do you even know what you are doing?!" the woman yelled at him.

"I'm committing grand theft auto, now stay outta my way!" Leo yelled as he got in the driver seat and sped off for Los Santos.

* * *

Alex and Daisy Robinson, Chris' wife, sat in the waiting room of the nearest hospital. Chris had been in the ER for about two hours before a doctor finally walked out to the two. He was looking at the ground as he walked over and Alex knew what he was going to say.

"Mrs. Robinson, I'm sorry." he said. Daisy began to break down even more than when she had heard the news. Alex wanted to go home and never leave after hearing that, but then he remembered something.

"What happened to the man that was shot along with him?" Alex asked.

"I can take you to see him." the doctor said. Alex followed him down the hall to a room with a cop standing outside of it.

"Mr. Parker, this man would like to see the patient." the doctor said. Donny Parker looked at both men before nodding. Alex walked into the room where the shooter's friend was lying in a hospital bed.

"My friend is dead because of you. You're gonna tell me what you know." Alex said.

"Or what white boy?" the man said. Alex rubbed his forehead before locking the door and holding up a scalpel he had picked off the doctor.

"I know a thing or two about torture." Alex said as he walked towards the gang member. 

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