Chapter 29

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Alex was pulled away from Mitchell and felt a gun get pressed to his temple immediately. Behind him was Paul smiling wickedly. He started backing up with Alex, heading towards a large yellow "H" painted on the ground.

"You son of a bitch!" Mitchell yelled at Paul as he ducked behind pieces of wood. Paul still had members of his private army up here, and Mitchell wasn't risking a peaceful negotiation. Colton had left right when they got off the elevator, going on the very edge of the floor and slowly walking along the ledge to the other end of the roof.

"This is to make sure I get away safely." Paul said as he was officially behind his gunmen.

"Give Alex back and maybe I won't shove this gun up your ass!" Mitchell shouted.

"You see, that's not going to get your friend back." Paul said as he tightened his grip around Alex's neck.

"Alright we can talk civilly then." Mitchell said. "Why did you do all this?"

"Power Mitchell. Power and money. I didn't expect you people though. I was hoping I had hired men to take care of you. But Lance was incompetent, Tank was too stupid, and Jorge was egotistical." Paul said.

"Yeah he's the egotistical one." Alex said as he tried to take Paul's arm off of his neck.

"Why me though? What did I have to do with this?" Mitchell asked as he looked up and leveled his gun on the wood. He aimed down at the sight and tried to mark out anyway to do this without getting Alex and himself killed.

"You were a failsafe. I have you take out my targets so my plan can move forward... If I'm suspected I turn the attention toward the retired hitman." Paul said. "No hard feelings, but you were nothing but a distraction for the cops."

"That boosts my ego." Mitchell said as he shook his head. He aimed down his sights again and had his aim set on one of the soldier's head. His finger hovered over the trigger and he took a deep breath.

* * *

"Keep shooting!" Catherine yelled as her and Leo were up to the third floor now. They kept making the private army retreat. Leo's gun ran out of ammo and he tossed it to the ground. He saw two men running up to the fourth floor and decided to stop them. He pulled out his pistol, got up, and ran after them.

He shot one in the back, causing him to fall. Leo then tackled the other one to the ground and grabbed his gun from him. He shot the man in the chest multiple times and stood back. Catherine ran over and slammed the butt of her gun into the first man's head, making sure he stayed down.

"How many floors do we have?" Leo asked as he cocked his new gun and put the pistol back in a holster.

"About sixteen." Catherine said nodding her head. Blood flew out of her shoulder as a bullet went through it and she fell to the ground from the impact. Leo looked up and saw one of the private army men, who worked for the company named Merryweather, standing there aiming a pistol. Leo took long to pick up his gun, but a bullet going through the man's head saved him. He looked back down at Catherine who was holding her shoulder with one hand and a pistol with the other.

"That's gonna leave a scar." Catherine said as Leo helped her to her feet. The two gathered themselves and slowly began to creep up the ramp leading to the fourth floor.

* * *

"This one is going to need quite a few." Heath said as he pushed his glasses up with his finger. He took out a sticky bomb and placed it on the concrete pillar. Carlos then put one on it and Heath put another. Each put three on the pillar and began to run around the base level again.

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