Chapter 18

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As Mitchell looked down the sights of his sniper and he fired the gun, something quickly popped into the scope of his weapon. The bullet now hit a random man's head instead of going into the back of the boss's head.

"Fuck!" Mitchell yelled out as he quickly got done onto his stomach and picked up a Carbine Rifle that was next to him. He pushed the sniper away and aimed the Carbine Rifle at the group of men who began to point in his direction. He saw Lance pull out a pistol and aim at in his direction causing Mitchell to panic.

Meanwhile from their perspective, Paul's limo driver had gotten out of the limo to immediately receive a bullet to the brain. Paul turned around as Donny and Lance quickly cocked their guns and got Paul behind them. Tank, Jorge, and the other gang members quickly pulled out Micro SMG's and Assault Rifles aiming them around the woods.

"Where the fuck did that come from?" Lil Mikey hollered. Lance pointed in the direction he heard the gun fired from and tightened his grip on his pistol.

"Donn get Paul out of here now. We don't know what to expect." Lance said. Donny nodded and sprinted to his police car and got in the driver's seat. Paul ran over to it as well and got into the passenger seat while Donny turned on the siren and drove off. Alex stood behind the warehouse, with a shocked expression on his face as he had gotten a clean look at who this big bad boss really was.

"Holy shit." Alex said to himself. He looked to his left, where he saw Pablo and Miguel coming around the opposite end of the warehouse.

"Who the fuck are you?" Pablo yelled out. Alex quickly lifted his gun and fired it at Pablo, missing every shot, but causing him to back away into cover. More bullets began to fly out from the woods, as Tank, Lance, and CK went to go and check it out. Alex ran out of cover and towards the entrance of the warehouse to see the brick wall Rory waiting for him.

"Well if it ain't Alex. The nigga who got away." Rory said. Jorge pulled out his revolver from inside his suit jacket and aimed it at Alex's head. At that moment Lil Mikey began to fire his Assault Rifle causing him to shake violently and bump into Jorge, making him drop the gun. Rory looked at this as Alex ran by him and into the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse was just a large empty space with dirt on the ground and decaying walls. In the way back of it though were a group of tied up people. Alex ran to them as Rory and Lil Mikey followed him in.

"Alex!!!" Leo shouted out. "Untie me nigga!" Alex ran over to him and pulled off the rope that had him tied up. He looked over the group of people and saw one person that shocked him more than anything.

"Maxine?!" Alex said. He ran over to her, where she was leaning against the wall with her hands and feet tied together, while Leo began to free the others. Rory and Lil Mikey reached where Leo was, as he had just untied Heath and Carlos. Alex quickly untied Maxine and looked behind him to see the sight.

* * * 

Mitchell ran through the woods as he heard people getting closer to his location. Bullets hit the trees as he took each step and he feared one of them were meant for him. He continued to sprint out of the woods and towards the road where his car was parked a mile or two back. He heard the people began to yell at each other as he reached the car and smirked.

"I still got it." he said to himself.

* * * 

Leo stood nose to nose with Rory as Carlos rubbed his wrists. Heath was still sitting in his chair, with dry blood all over his face and bruises covering his stomach. Lil Mikey was standing behind Rory, still holding the Assault Rifle while Rory grabbed Leo by the collar.

"Mikey. Now." Leo said. Rory raised an eyebrow as he felt something hard hit the back of his head. He felt it again and dropped to his knees while Lil Mikey stood there holding the Assault Rifle like it was a bat.

"I got a car out back waiting. We can fit maybe five in there." Lil Mikey said as he began to help the others up. Catherine stood up as well as Sarah while Lil Mikey walked over to a back door that was hidden from sight on the outside.

"Who do you want me to take?" Lil Mikey asked.

"Wait a second he's with you?" Alex asked.

"He has been from the beginning. They have their secrets and I got mine." Leo said. "Carlos, take your friend and go with Mikey. You too senorita." Catherine shot a look at Leo before limping over to Lil Mikey with Carlos holding Heath up behind her. Before Catherine walked out the door Alex grabbed her and wrote down an address on her hand.

"Go there. I'll meet up with you." Alex said. Leo nodded and left with the four others as Alex looked at Maxine and Sarah. Alex picked up Maxine and began to carry her like a husband would carry a bride. Sarah was right behind them as Alex kicked open the door to see all the gang members had left the warehouse, leaving Rory inside. Mitchell was waiting outside with the car parked there and he smiled when he saw Sarah walk out. He got out of the car and she ran to him, hugging him as soon as they were close to each other.

"Where'd they go?" Alex asked as he put down Maxine, leaning her against the car.

"One said they were getting backup, the other said they were out." Mitchell said. "Either way I'm not waiting around. Let's move."

Alex opened the back door of the car and slowly put Maxine in while Sarah got into the passenger seat. Alex sat in the back with the unconscious Maxine, as he told the address to Mitchell and the four drove off.

* * *

"Man we fucking got out of there alive." Leo said. Lil Mikey was driving a Patriot down the highway towards the apartment that was near Vespucci Beach. Catherine sat in the back with Carlos and Heath who was wheezing and also unconscious.

"Can I ask something?" Catherine asked.

"Shoot missy." Leo said.

"Who the fuck are you people?"

"Well I'm Leo. Your knight in shining armor. You got the getaway driver Lil Mikey. And then those two who I don't really know." Leo said.

"This is Heath. I'm Carlos." Carlos said.

"Catherine." she said as she looked out the window. "How the fuck did we all end up in this mess."

"Poor life choices." Carlos said with a chuckle.

* * *

"Rory. Wake the fuck up man." Tank said as he squatted next to him. Rory opened his eyes and woke up to a face full of dirt. He quickly stood up and wiped himself off as he saw everyone had escaped.

"What happened?" CK asked.

"That fucker Lil Mikey." Rory said.

"What he do?" Tank asked.

"Knocked me out. He's been working with Leo the whole damn time." Rory said. Tank licked his lips and bit his bottom lip before putting both his hands over his face and walking away. CK just seemed to get more angry with his facial expressions as Rory stood there.

"I'mma kill him." Rory said as the other two looked at him. "I'mma take a pistol and shoot him through the fuckin' skull." The three stood there in silence before Tank walked towards the exit.

"Then let's go find those niggas." Tank said. Rory nodded and turned around as CK followed close behind. 

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