Chapter 11

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Leo walked into a run down apartment building that was cheap enough for him to afford and hide out at after the recent events that took place. He threw a bag of hamburgers down onto the coffee table in the living room where Alex and Maxine were sitting on the couch. Maxine was sleeping with her head in Alex's lap while he watched TV. Leo looked over at it and saw that the Chief of Police had been assassinated.

"You think he was on the list?" Alex asked looking at Leo. Leo shook his head and pulled the list out of his back pocket.

"His name ain't on here. But I was thinking about the others on here." Leo said.

"What about them?" Alex asked.

"Maybe we should fine them and warn them or something. We slowed down Tank and Rory from getting these guys, it gives us a chance to help them out." Leo said.

"I guess you have a point but what if they already gone?" Alex asked as he shut the television off.

"Wouldn't hurt to try." Leo said with a shrug. "We'll talk about it when yo girl is awake."

"Oh, um, she isn't my girl." Alex said.

"Yeah? Well she been clingin' to you ever since we left yo house. So if she ain't yo girl, I think she might wanna be." Leo said with a chuckle as he walked towards the bedroom. Alex looked down at Maxine who continued to sleep and Alex sighed. He stroked her hair as he leaned his head back and shut his eyes.

* * *

"So where's the human bean bag?" Mitchell asked getting into the passenger seat of Colton's car. Colton rolled his eyes at the remark and began to drive once Mitchell was fully inside.

"Lance was given something to do by our boss. As for us we have no target as of yet. I'm supposed to get a text soon about it though." Colton said.

"Sounds good." Mitchell said as he stared out the window. There was an awkward silence in the car which Mitchell tried his best to break.

"What made you get into this type of business anyway?" Mitchell asked.

"I could ask you the same question." Colton said.

"Let's say I got involved with the wrong people and now I still am. But what about you? I'd like to know some more about one of the guys that is forcing me to kill people with no explanation." Mitchell said.

"I'm doing this because I know what's right." Colton said. Mitchell stared at him with his eyes squinted and his mouth open.

"That may be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard." Mitchell said. "Are you being forced like me?"

"I'm doing this because I believe what we are doing is right. My boss is trying to make this city reach its true potential. If that means some innocent people can't be around to see it, then oh well." Colton said.

"I still don't believe you. Someone can't just be okay with killing an innocent person. I know I never was but I had to grit my teeth and go through with it." Mitchell said.

"I never said I was okay with it." Colton said, continuing to drive around the city.

"Seriously man, if this boss of yours is is threatening someone you care about give me a name and me and you can both walk away scott free. I can stop this asshole from ruining both of our lives." Mitchell said.

"You aren't going to get a name out of me. My boss isn't forcing me to do this, and if you continue to pry at me, it won't be good for you." Colton said as he parked the car in a parking lot.

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