| Chapter III || "What Do We Do With Him?" |

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*August 18 XXXX*


The gods all looked down at the son of Poseidon. Poseidon himself looked proud that his four year old son was so smart for his age. His children were mostly known for being more powerful than smart. The small boy still had tears streaming down his face due to the fate of his mother. He soon fell asleep in Hestia's arms.

"He must have been exhausted," Zeus said.

"What's with the teddy bear?" Ares asked.

"He got that for his birthday today. It was from his mother. Before she..." Poseidon trailed off.

Hades put a hand on his shoulder. Hades rarely comforted his brothers, but this seemed like a special time. "Don't worry brother, she received Elysium."

Poseidon looked at his brother and smiled gratefully. Hestia stood up with Perseus in his arms.

"So..." Zeus started, turning to Poseidon. "His name is Perseus, isn't it? Why did you name him after one of my sons?" he asked.

"Your son had the best life as a hero; I guess Sally was hoping that our son inherited his luck," Poseidon explained.

Zeus nodded and smiled.

"Shouldn't we take him to Olympus now? He will be staying there right?" Aphrodite, who for once wasn't checking her make-up, spoke up.

"Yes, he will be staying on Olympus from now on. So we can 'keep an eye on him', as Zeus put it. Isn't that right my brother?" Poseidon asked, turning to Zeus.

Zeus nodded sheepishly.

"Well, it would be better than sending the boy to an orphanage, seeing as his mortal parent is no longer alive. Who know how he'll be raised in one of those; no one will know how to raise him," Hermes said.

There was suddenly a loud sob. They all turned to see that Perseus was sobbing in Hestia's arms. He was still asleep but was probably having nightmares about his mother's death.

That was one of the downsides of being a demigod; they had visions and dreams most of the time as they slept. The gods gave him looks of sympathy and they agreed that it was time to go back to Olympus.

They flashed off the road and reappeared in the throne room. One of the minor gods came forward and took Perseus from Hestia's arms, volunteering to take him to the infirmary.

"Just take him to his new room in my temple," Poseidon ordered. "Give him some ambrosia and Nectar when he wakes."

The minor god nodded and rushed out of the room as Poseidon settled in his throne. The rest of the Olympians had settled in their respective thrones. Hades-as he didn't have his own throne on Olympus-sat in a guest throne while Hestia sat at the central Hearth, tending the flames as usual.

"So what will we do with the boy?" Athena asked, leaning forwards in her throne. "You do realize that he will most likely be the child of the prophecy I assume?" she asked.

Zeus nodded. "I believe that we train him here, observing how he makes decisions. I expect Athena to figure out his fatal flaw, as you usually do with heroes?"

Athena nodded. "Of course, father," she replied.

"Then it's settled. He begins archery training in the morning!" Zeus announced before saying, "Meeting adjourned."

The gods and goddesses all nodded and Hades flashed back to the Underworld...


Published: Saturday, October 15, 2016


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