| Chapter II || Meeting the Gods |

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*August 18 XXXX*
*Percy's Point of View*


I found an abandoned dirt road and continued running down it. Soon, I came to a fork in the road. I could go right, to New York, or left, to the ocean. I decided to turn left. I have always loved the ocean. I would keep my promise to mommy; I would stay safe.

As I ran down the road, I got a strange feeling that something dangerous up ahead. The road soon turned to concrete, but there were fourteen people standing in the middle of it. I tried to run around them, not stopping. As soon as I ran past a tall man wearing Bermuda shorts and a Hawaiian tee-shirt, his strong hands wrapped around my waist and picked me up.

I screamed and kicked, trying to get free. Mr. Fluffy-the last thing that mommy gave to me-was swinging around violently. "Put me down! Let me go!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Shh, it's okay Perseus," the man said.

I stopped struggling. "H-how do you know my name?" I asked, stuttering my words.

"Don't you recognize your dear father?" he asked, sounding hurt.

I stared at him. "D-daddy?" I asked, getting a good look at him. He had the same raven black hair as me, and the same sea green eyes. He placed me back on the ground, nodded and smiled at me, showing well-worn sun crinkles around his eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked, meaning his name, and looking around at the others, wondering who they were too.

"My son, I am Poseidon, god of the Seas," he said.

I back up, gaping at him. I quickly glanced down at my ring. Poseidon had always been my favorite god. He was actually real? And he was my father? No wonder mommy always told lots of stories about him. She talked about him more than any of the other gods.

Poseidon, or daddy, put me down and I hugged Mr. Fluffy close again, my eyes searching everyone standing around daddy and me.

Suddenly, everything clicked. These were the Greek gods that mommy always talked about.

"If you're Poseidon, then that means that you are Zeus," I said, pointing at a man in a pinstriped suit, "And you're Hera," I then pointed at a beautiful lady in a Greek dress. I named each god by name. The gods and goddesses seemed surprised at how smart I was.

In the end, daddy overcame his shock and asked, "Where is Sally?"

My face fell. Tears came to my eyes. He seemed to realize what happened and some of the gods came forward to comfort me. Daddy gave me a comforting hug, but it just wasn't as good as mommy's hugs.

Suddenly, Hades spoke up. "I'm sorry brother, but Sally Jackson just passed through to my realm," he said.

He seemed to be trying to say it in a way that I wouldn't understand, but I did. That meant mommy was dead. I started sobbing and Hera slapped Hades' arm hard. Hestia came forwards and also gave me a hug. The hug was somewhat motherly.

I closed my eyes. Tears still fell down my face, but I felt safe. I kept my promise to mommy. She was in a better place now. I hope she made it to that place she always told me about in her bedtime stories. I think it was called Elysium or something. Yeah, that's it; the only nice place in the Underworld. After a few more seconds, I fell asleep in Hestia's arms...


Published: Sunday, October 9, 2016


Percy Jackson, the Son of Olympus: The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now