| Chapter IX || Arriving at Camp |

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*December 23 XXXX*


As Percy stood at the top of the hill, his backpack on his back and a small shoulder bag hanging at his side, he gazed down into the valley that was Camp Half-Blood. He smiled sadly. He didn't want to be there, he preferred being on Olympus with all of his friends, but he promised Artemis that he would make the most of it until he could return.

He took another step, passing through the border into camp. He walked towards the Big House, relishing the beauty in the nature. It was lush and bright, obviously taken care of by the satyrs and nymphs.

He saw campers, young and old, doing activities, from archery to volleyball, or just running around for exercise. Percy smiled as he saw the older campers schooling the younger ones, teaching those campers new techniques and skills that they would need to survive outside of camp.

One of the campers ran up to Percy. "New camper?" he asked.

Percy nodded.

"Follow me," the boy said.

Percy didn't recognize him from the group that had been on Olympus, so he must've been one of the many that had to stay behind. Percy frowned at how unfair it was that only a few chosen demigods gotta go up to Olympus to meet their parents and see the amazing city.

The camper started to talk as he walked Percy towards the Big House. "So, do you know why you are here?" the boy asked, obviously thinking that Percy had no experience and didn't know about demigods and monsters.

Percy wanted to say: "Yeah, because my Uncle Zeus sent me here until his precious Master Bolt has been found," but he didn't, even though the look on the camper's face would've been funny. Instead he said, "No. My mom told me that she wanted to send me here though—whoa! Does that horse have wings?" he asked, setting his latest prank.

The camper smirked at him, seemingly amused by his excitement, even though the excitement wasn't real. "Chiron will explain it to you," he said.

Once they reached the Big House, the boy walked up to Chiron, who was in centaur form. "Chiron, we have a new camper," the boy said.

The boy then turned to see Percy's reaction, and was surprised to see that Percy was calm. "Isn't this strange for you?" the boy asked.

Percy smirked. "No, I grew up on Olympus. I think a centaur is hardly what you would call strange-surprise!" he said, laughing at the expression on the boy's face.

The boy's face turned red then, all the way to his pointy elfish ears. He was obviously a son of Hermes, so he must've been embarrassed that he fell for a prank.

"Oh. Well, hi. My name is Travis," he said, reaching out with his hand for Percy to shake.

Percy smiled, "Nice to meet you Travis. By any chance, do you like performing pranks as much as your father?" he asked.

Travis' eyes lit up. "Oh yes. My brother Connor and I are the prank kings! There's no one better than us!" he exclaimed as he pumped his fist in the air.

Percy smirked. "Are you sure about that?" he asked.

Travis gave him a look of confusion, before he started hopping up and down, "Ahh, itchy!" he screamed, scratching his chest, under his shirt.

Meanwhile, as Travis was itching himself, Percy was laughing as hard as he could.

As soon as the effects of the itching powder wore off, Travis was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. "Whoa. I didn't even see you do that! How did you do that?" he asked, standing up.

Percy smirked again. "Who said it was me?" Percy asked mischievously, leaning back on the game table that was on the porch.

Travis laughed. "I just have to introduce you to Connor! We can pull pranks together now!" Travis said happily.

"Sorry Travis. You seem nice, but already have a pranking partner, and I won't do anything without her," Percy explained.

Travis sighed. "So who is your pranking partner? I'd like to meet her," he asked instead.

Percy laughed. "I don't think you can. Not unless you want a dozen arrows in your butt and other unfortunate places," he said with a large humorous smile.

Travis' eyes widened. "You mean... Artemis? She's your pranking partner?" he asked, looking horrified.

Percy's smirk widened, "Yup. She is. And she's awesome," he said. Percy lifted his arm, checking his watch.

He looked back up at Travis. "Oh, look at the time. I've got to get going," he said, waving to Travis and clapping him on the shoulder. He then turned and walked away. As Percy reached the beach, he smiled.

In the distance, Travis' surprised scream filled the air. There was a loud noise, like an explosion, and a large, bright pink mushroom cloud formed next to the big house. As soon as it came in contact with anything around it, the object turned bright, neon pink.

Percy laughed all the way into the refreshingly cold seawater. He laid back and floated, closing his eyes...


Published: Saturday, November 5, 2016


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