| Chapter XIV || Tunnel of Love X-treme |

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*January 4 XXXX*

*Percy's Point of View*


I was rudely awoken by a loud noise that sounded like a bang. My eyes snapped open and I immediately jumped out of bed, grabbing a spear off the wall and rushing out to fight whatever threat had arrived.

When I finally saw what was going on, I noticed that Annabeth and Travis were staring at me. I looked down to see that I was wearing my Finding Nemo pyjamas, I had serious bed-head, and the spear I was holding was backwards.

They were sitting at the small table, eating breakfast.

"Oh. Um...sorry about that..." I said before retreating back to my room.

I quickly got dressed and went back out, my face still burning with embarrassment. I sat down and Annabeth passed me a granola bar and a bowl of dried fruit. Sighing, I took the food gratefully and started to eat.

Once we were all finished eating breakfast, I packed up the tent and we continued on our journey. We walked back into the city, and went up and down the streets, searching for clues as to where the master bolt could be.

It was midday by the time we gave up. We sat down in the same fast food restaurant we'd been in before and were about to order when suddenly, a biker walked in. He slid into our booth, squashing Annabeth up against the window. "I'm paying," he announced, sending me a wicked grin.

"Hey Warhead," I mumbled under my breath. "You seem well."

"I can say the same about you Perce," Ares replied, leaning back and rest his heavily muscled arms on the back of the seat.

The waitress came back with our food, heaps of fries and large burgers. Ares paid her with a golden drachma. She looked confused, but when Ares pulled out his knife, she took the money and left.

"How many times have I told you? You can't just threaten people with knives," I said, feeling quite annoyed. I grabbed a cheeseburger anyway, taking a large bite.

Ares shrugged. "Sure I can. I just did, didn't I?" he asked.

I just sighed, leaning back in my seat. "Okay. Fine. Just tell me. Why are you here? I doubt that you're just enjoying the scenery," I said.

Ares grunted. "I need a favour. Me and my girlfriend were on this date, see, and we were interrupted-again. I left my shield behind. I need you to go fetch it for me cuz."

I smirked. "And what was so bad that it scared away the 'almighty' Ares and his girlfriend Aphy?" I asked mockingly.

Ares grumbled. "Cuz, we may be close, but I haven't been in the mood lately," he said.

My smirk faltered as I got the meaning to what he said, but then I smirked once more. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Hephaestus, right? What did he do this time?" I asked.

Ares muttered something incoherent before saying, "You'll figure it out cuz. It's at the abandoned water park off the edge of town. Look for the Tunnel of Love ride. Meet me back here when you're done. I got somethin' to tell ya." He then stood up and left.

I looked over at my friends. "I guess we could go. He might give us a lead on where the Bolt is. But...now that this conversations is over...let's eat!" I said, getting to the most important thing. We all dug into our food, each eating at least two burgers, and we shared the large fries.

Once we finished, we got up and left. The water-park, unfortunately, was at the edge of the city, so the walk there was long. As soon as we got there, we saw exactly what we were looking for. The old park called Water Land. Sadly, it was closed. We had to climb over the barbed wire fence just to get in.

Percy Jackson, the Son of Olympus: The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now