| Chapter XXIII || Happy Memories of Spring |

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*April 27 XXXX*

*Artemis' Point of View*


I woke up the next morning pretty happy. A smile played on my lips when I thought about my conversation with Percy the night before. Everything was perfect, so I had to enjoy it while it lasted.

As I got ready, I thought about what father would've called a Council Meeting for. Obviously, his Master Bolt was still missing, along with uncle Hades' Helm of Darkness. I remember that Percy gathered many clues as to their disappearance; maybe he figured out where the two items had been taken.

I sighed, and walked out of the front door of my temple, still annoyed about not being able to teleport. 'It's been four months! Can't father just forgive and forget?' I thought.

Anyways, I reached the throne room last, seeing as I was the only one walking. I trudged to my throne, becoming god-sized, and sat down, crossing my arms. I sent a glare at my father, showing that I was quite annoyed. In return, he sent me an amused look.

He limited me to nearly mortal status and he was laughing about it? That made me so mad! I huffed and turned away, pulling my knees up onto my throne.

"Are we going to start or what?" I asked rudely.

"We're just waiting on one more," father replied.

His statement confused me. I looked around at all of the Olympians; everyone was in their respective throne. 'Hmm...' I thought. 'I guess Percy is coming after all. Does he know where the items are?'

Suddenly, the throne room doors slammed open, revealing Percy, panting and messy. He probably slept in late again. 'He's hopeless,' I thought, letting out a long breath.

He walked over and plunked down in his small throne, panting heavily from the long run here. 'Ha! He had to wake up at Camp Half-Blood, get a taxi all the way to the Empire State Building, wait for the elevator, and then run all the way to the opposite side of Olympus since the throne room was the farthest building from the elevator! No wonder he's tired: it's only 7:00.'

As soon as Percy sat down, father cleared his throat. "Let the Council Meeting begin!" he announced, as if he were at a sports game. He didn't have to announce it every time! Seriously! We all knew what we'd showed up for!

After a few moments of silence, Father spoke again. "So, I have called this meeting because Percy here tells me that he has figured out who has stolen the items, why they did it, and where the items are right now." I could see an excited gleam in his eyes. After four months of nothing but sunshine or clouds, Father was probably ready to brew up the biggest, most spectacular lightning storm of the century.

Percy stood up from his throne, having caught his breath. "During my quest, I found out some very important facts. Unfortunately, after my visit to uncle Hades, I was kidnapped and brought to a secure prison cell. I still do not know where that is, but I know who is behind it. Kronos. The king titan," he said.

Everyone gasped.

"Yes," Percy continued. "The Crooked One is destined to rise again, to get revenge on the Olympians for banishing him and his brethren to Tartarus. His plan was very complex. First, he would restore his power, just enough to enter the dreams of his chosen demigod hero. A hero who had crooked intentions already, and could be easily swayed. He used this champion to steal both items during their visit to Olympus. Knowing that Zeus would blame Poseidon for the theft,k as things have always been tense between you two, a war would most likely take place, and the gods would have to take sides, eventually destroying themselves, along with all of Western civilization."

Percy Jackson, the Son of Olympus: The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now