| Chapter X || The Thief's Thoughts |

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*December 23 XXXX*
*Thief's Point of View*


Wow. Those gods are so dense. I stole the Master Bolt from right under their noses! If only I could've gotten the bolt to my master in time. But no, I just had to be caught by that meathead, Ares. If it weren't for his power to sense weapons of all kinds, then he would have never have caught me. I am a master thief.

I was just making my way out of the city as Ares caught up with me. He had appeared in a flash of light, demanding the Bolt.

The only reason I got away was because my master guided me. He told me exactly what to say to fool the meathead, which wasn't much. He was so bent on war, it didn't take much to convince him to help me start one.

As soon as Ares was out of the way, I continued on my way. I made my way back to Olympus just as our group was leaving, to prevent suspicion from arousing.

As I returned to camp with the rest of the demigods, my ADHD thoughts wandered.

I thought of Thalia. She had been my first friend in the demigod world. She and I had gone through everything together. We were like family. And the feeling of family only increased when we found Annabeth. Of course, she had almost brained me with a hammer, but we got along fine after that.

I sighed as I thought of her. I'd don't like to admit, but I used to have a crush on Thalia. Sadly, she sacrificed her life for us. She became a tree because she was protecting us.

As the van pulled up to camp, I got out with the others. As I crossed the border, I stopped at Thalia's tree. Annabeth stopped next to me. I felt bad about betraying her, but the gods deserved to be knocked down—to be taught a lesson.

The Olympians scorned us. They had affairs with mortal men and women all over the world, and then forgot about their children. They ignored us, not even claiming some of their children, letting them be stuffed into the Hermes cabin, forever thinking that their parents didn't care about them.

I was going to change that. As soon as my master overthrows the Olympians, he shall bring us glory. Demigods will never be forgotten again.

I will complete my mission. I must in order to allow demigods a chance to prove themselves and become heroes...


The days rolled by, and I heard that Percy had arrived at camp. Now my job will be even harder. I've heard that the Olympians themselves trained him. And as much as I don't like to admit it, the Olympians are still quite powerful.

I also heard that he spent most of his time with Artemis. 'I'm willing to bet that he likes her. This is good for me since she can never love him back, as she swore to be an eternal maiden, and he will be heartbroken when she rejects him. Then he will be far too depressed to focus on stopping me.'

He was already put in the Poseidon cabin. I knew that most of the other campers were jealous of him. I mean, who wouldn't be? He grew up on Olympus, got to see his father every single day, and even got trained by the Olympians themselves, despite the Ancient Laws! If Percy was allowed to live on Olympus, then why weren't all the other demigods? Why was Percy treated so special when some campers don't even know who their parents are?

This proves that the Olympians only care about the powerful children. Just because some campers are children of the minor gods, the gods think that it's all right to shun and ignore them. I growled lowly at the thought.

I need to speak to my master again. I will give him a progress report...


I stood at the edge of the Abyss. It was the same as last time: the heavy air swirling around me, the pull of the pit, trying to drag me into its depths and the whispers of the dead, telling me to leave at once.

I heard his voice then, low and ancient, deep and smooth. "Ah. There you are. How are my plans coming along?" he asked. I could almost imagine him in front of me, sitting on a throne, balancing his chin on clasped hands.

"The Olympians' boy has made it to camp. I suspect that he will go on a quest soon, to search for the bolt," I replied.

I imagined him leaning back, contemplating what I had said. "Yes... yes... He shall leave on a quest in a few days, with a girl and a boy. We should not stop it however, but take advantage of it, now, what of the bolt?" he asked.

I straightened as I felt his attention turn back solely on me. "That Olympian dunce Ares still has it, but we have nothing to worry about, he is too set on war to return it to his father," I answered coolly, despite the fear in my heart. 'He will go on a quest with a girl' Annabeth has wanted to go on a quest for seven long years. I just know that she will be the first to volunteer for a quest if it's available.

He seemed to nod. "We shall wait for now, then I will send Ares in to give him to bolt without his knowledge. Once he reaches the Underworld, the bolt will come straight to me, and I will rise from my prison, and finally have my revenge!" he roared.

As he spoke, I became confused. "But my lord, how do you know that the boy will journey to the Underworld. He already knows that Hades is not the thief," I inquired, not wanting there to be any holes in my master's plan.

I felt his cold glare upon me. "You dare doubt my plans?" he roared angrily.

I flinched. "No, my lord, I was only wondering how I can be of most service to you. I am your loyal servant and will help you rise." I said quickly, trying to save myself from that stupid choice of words.

He seemed to calm down. I relaxed, holding in a sigh of relief.

"Yes. Well, once he reaches a certain point, I shall send a minion to capture one of his friends. He will be sure to try and save this friend, and then we shall spring our trap," he answered.

I nodded, but fear gripped me. What if he decided to capture Annabeth? What would happen to her? Questions soared through my mind. I knew that Annabeth would feel betrayed if she ever found out, but I was doing this for her—her and Thalia. I would fulfil our dream and make sure that no demigods would be forgotten, just as we were, cast out to survive on the streets until we were finally noticed.

I left the dream, only hearing my master's echoing laughter and darkness swirling around me...


Published: Sunday, November 6, 2016


Percy Jackson, the Son of Olympus: The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now