| Chapter XI || Win Some, Lose Some |

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*January 1 XXXX*
*Percy's Point of View*


Finally! It was time for Capture the Flag. I had been pulling pranks all week, waiting for this. I'd pulled at least one prank on every person at camp already, though it wasn't as fun without Artemis pulling them with me.

I was getting ready for the game, putting on the silver armor that was a birthday gift from Artemis. I put on the helmet, the plume automatically changing to blue, which was a feature that Artemis had given it. At first it was a prank, because she made it turn bright pink when I was trying it on for the first time, which had completely freaked me out. We both laughed about it later though, so it was fine.

Once I finished putting my super lightweight armor on, I walked to the woods, meeting up with Annabeth. She was really nice—once you got to know her. I knew that we would become best friends in no time at all for sure.

She just gave me a cold look and said, "You will guard the boundary line." Then she just walked away.

Yeah, we're really close.

I just sighed and went to my position by the creek. A smile stretched across my face. The boundary line was the perfect place for me. I heard the conch horn sound in the distance and raised my hands. The water from the creek rose as well, forming a large wall. I stood in front of the wall.

A few of my team members ran up, and I gave them a boost over my wall. The enemy red team ran out of the forest on their side. They saw my wall, and the confidence in their eyes wavered slightly. But they seemed to steel their nerves as they tried to pass by my wall, but I sent blasts of water to shoot them backwards. My defense was unbreakable. Everyone from the red team that came close was blasted away.

Suddenly, someone came running out of the red team's side—Luke. He was the son of Hermes, and was the best swordsman in camp, according to what the campers told me.

He ran forwards, carrying the red team's flag. "Percy! Get ready!" he called.

I nodded. Reaching out with the water, I grabbed Luke and brought him safely over the boundary line. After putting him down, I dropped my hands, causing the creek to fall back to its original state.

Luke smiled, "Great job Perce," he said, raising his hand for a high five.

I returned the high five with a smile. "Not too bad yourself." I said...


Later, we were celebrating—having barbeque—and chatting amongst our friends. I stood by the fire, watching the flames when Annabeth walked up next to me.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey. How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Good job out there," she said awkwardly.

"Yeah, you too," I replied.

She gave me a small smile. After that, the air became less tense, and we were able to have a proper conversation...


*JANUARY 2ND 2006*


The next morning, I woke up to the usual scene. The coral stone walls, ocean smell, and my soft bed. I got up and changed, taking one more look at my photographs of everyone, especially Artemis. I then left my cabin, going to the Big House, because Chiron wanted to talk to me.

Once I got there, I saw Chiron and Mr. D sitting and playing Pinochle. They had just finished.

"Hey, want to play a quick game Peter?" Mr. D asked as I approached.

I smiled, "Sure."

Chiron sent us both a confused look. "I'm sorry, but I was under the impression that your name was Perseus?"

I sent a sly grin his way. "Yea, it is, but Mr. Wine Dude over there likes to get my name wrong all the time. He says he does it to the campers here too like...all the time. I don't mind. Besides, it's always fun to see what he comes up with next," he explained,

Chiron still looked confused, but didn't question the topic further. Good choice. He'll only get more confused.

I sat down and Mr. D dealt out the cards. I looked at my hand. It was pretty good, but it could've been better though. I placed my bet, and the game went on.

Chiron turned to me once we were finished. I won, with Chiron at a close second, and Mr. D grumbling about coming last. Chiron chuckled but his face suddenly became serious. "Now, onto the subject of which I called you here for. I have been thinking, and I believe that it is time for you to set off on a quest. You will retrieve Zeus' Master Bolt," he said.

My mouth dropped open. "What?" I asked.

He nodded gravely. "Also, Hermes stopped by. He said that he had a delivery for you. Here," Chiron added, holding out a respectable sized box wrapped in silver paper. I smiled. I could smell them. Cookies. I tore open the paper and opened the box to reveal blue cookies fresh from the Olympian café. There was a note as well. Written in silver ink.


I hope you enjoy the cookies. The café says that you are their best customer so they made the cookies blue just for you.


"Score!" I exclaimed, jumping in the air. "Thanks Chiron. So, I'll be heading off on my quest tomorrow morning?" I asked.

He nodded. "Along with your two companions. You may choose."

I smiled, thanking him once more before taking my cookies and leaving...


Published: Saturday, November 12, 2016


Percy Jackson, the Son of Olympus: The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now