Too Soon to Tell

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*Maddie's POV*

I woke up to the rain pounding against my window and an emtpy bed. I looked at the clock and quickly got up. Did Niall really leave without saying goodbye? How could he do that to me. I ran down the hall and searched for that blonde haired boy but sadly, he is nowhere to be seen. "Niall!" i call out but no answer.

I walked over to the couch and there he was, fast asleep. "Niall." i say and shake his arm. He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "hi" was all he said. "Hi? HI?! What do u mean hi? What the hell are you still doing here?!" i scream at him. He sits up and fixes his hair. "I couldnt just leave without saying goodbye." He said and smiled. I couldnt help but laugh at how cute he was.

I walked around the couch and sat on his lap. I kissed him as he wrapped his arms around me. "Paul is going to be mad" i told him and he laughed. "No he wont. I already talked to him." He said and giggled. "What's going on Nialler?" i asked and his smile grew. "Niall" i say and watched as he handed me a plane ticket. "What's this?" i ask. "Your plane ticket" he says and stands up. "What?" i say and watch him as he walks into our bedroom. "Niall. Wait what are you talking about?" i question him. "Youre coming with me silly. I talked to Paul and Simon and everybody. They all agreed that you should come with. I don't wanna miss any of your pregnancy babe." He tells me and grabs my suitcase.

I stand here in shock just looking at him. "Are you going to help me back YOUR stuff or what?" he jokes as i hand him some clothes. "So, i am really going with you? I mean, im happy but ya know its for 3 months Nialler." i say. He looks up at me and his blue eyes sparkle. "I know. But thats too long. We're in this together" He says and kisses my nose. "Now. Lets get you packed"


*Niall's POV*

"Hurry up babe. We're gonna miss our plane!" Niall yells as he grabs his bag. "Im coming!" i yell back and grab my phone before following him out the door. I buckled my seatbelt as Niall turned on the ignition. "So how are we going to tell everybody?" I ask as we drive away. "Not sure" he admits and picks up my hand and kisses it.

Soon, we pulled into the airport parking lot and rushed inside. "There you guys are!" Liam cheered as we all grabbed our stuff and got on the plane. "Exscuse me" i say and push past people to get to my seats. Niall's hand was glued to mine as he lead us to the back of the plane. "Here babe. You can have the window seat" He said and motioned for me to sit down. I did as he said and looked out the window. As the plane began to lift of the ground, i felt myself drifting off to sleep.

*Niall's POV*

I couldn't help but watch as Maddie was sleeping against me. Her beautiful dirty blonde hair laying perfectly on her shoulders. Her blue eyes not visable but i could still picture them. Her chest slowly going up and down with every breath. I couldn't help but find myself looking down at her stomach. She hasn't begun to show yet but i still placed my hand gently against her soon to be baby bump.


"Niall. Niall babe. Babe. Wake up. The plane is about to land" I hear someone whisper as my eyes opened. "Morning sleepy head" Maddie says with a smile on her face. "Morning" i say and peck her lips. "Do you have an idea how we're going to tell the fans?" She asks as she picks up ber purse. "Well. Not really. But maybe the boys can help us" i say as i grab her hand and walk off of the plane.

"Stay close" Paul says as he guides us through the crowd. "Hi Maddie! Hi Niall." Fans were yelling to us from all around. I smiled and waved, showing how much i did love them. i want the fans to know how much they mean to Niall and to me. "How are you Maddie?" A pap asked and Niall squeezed my hand. He doesn't like when i talk to paps but if its a good question like that, its okay. "Im very well. Thank you." i say with a big smile. I hope everyone sees how happy Niall and I are and hopfully understand when we tell them the news.


"We danced all night to the best song ever! We knew every line, now i cant remember how it goes but i know that i wont forget her. Cause we danced all night to the best song ever!." I sang along as the boys rehearsed onstage. I laughed as all 5 of then ignored their choreographer, as always. He should know by now that these boys are a handful.

"Here babe" Niall says grabbing my hand and pulling me up onstage. He walked with me down the catwalk and told me to pose at the end. And following his intructions, i threw my left hand up and smiled.

Laughs poured from Niall and I as we continued to do different poses. "Wow. I feel bad for your baby. It has to deal with you two weirdos as it's parents" Harry laughs as Niall and I look at him. "Don't call the baby an it" Niall tells him and places his hand on my stomach. "It's not an it. It's a baby." he adds on. "Sorry. I just didn't know if it was a boy or girl" He says and steps back. "Yeah. The doctor said its too soon to tell. Maybe in a few weeks though" i say and walk offstage.

"I hope its a boy" Niall whispers in my ear as we approach the food table. "I want a girl." i say and grab a handful of chips. "I want it to be a boy as well." Harry chirps in and i scold him. "I deserve to have another girl around here" I say and Niall laughs. "I'm serious." i tell him and pick up a brownie.

"So any mood swings or weird cravings yet?" Liam asked coming from backstage.

"No weird cravings yet, though I am really hungry for some bacon right now" i say and Niall giggles. "I haven't been moody, have I Nialler?" i ask him curriously and he shakes his head. "No. not yet at least" He says and winks.

"I cant wait to be a father" He says randomly and places his hands on my small tummy. "And i cant wait to be a mother" i say before kissing him.

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