Baby Shower & Hopsital

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*Maddie's POV*

I got dressed in a flowy summer dress and put on my flats. I straightened my hair and put on a little bit of makeup.

"You look amazing" Niall whispers from the door way. "Niall. This is a girl thing. Guys can't be at a baby shower. Now go. Go out with the guys. Okay?" i say as we walk into the living room. I look at all the decorations and remember Eleanor helping me with them yesterday.

"I know. I'm goinf out with the boys. We are going to do some guy stuff." he tells me with a smirk. "Okay. I don't wanna know. But have fun" i tell him and kiss him.

I hear a knock at the door and I assume that it is Harry. I walk over and open it but to my surprise i see Niall's family standing there. "Oh my. Look at you!" His mom exclaims and pulls me into a hug.

I invite them in as Niall and I greet all of them. "Niall said you were having a baby shower" She says and i nod. "Yeah i would have told you to come but i didn't want you to fly over here just for me" i say and they all shake their heads. "You're having my granddaughter. You're part of our family Madison" His dad says and i smile.

It really means a lot knowing that Niall's family cares so much about me.


I didn't realize how many people would come to a baby shower for me. Niall's mom and Denise stayed while Niall went out with Greg and his dad to meet up with the boys. I looked around the room at all the girls here. Perrie, Sophia and Eleanor were sitting on the couch and i was on the compfy chair.

I thought about how my mom wasn't here. I had invited my mom but she said she couldn't make it because of work which is understandable but i was still hoping she would find a way to come. I haven't talked to her or my dad much since I told them I was pregnant.

I wobble over to the snack table and grab a cupcake, devouring it in seconds. "Hungry love?" Perrie asks and i smile. "Yeah. I've been craving sweets ever since we set up this snack table." i tell her.

"Present time!" Eleanor yelled and I watched as little Theo clapped his hands. He's so cute. I can't wait to have my own baby. I place my hands on my belly and smile.

I walk slowly back over to the comfy chair and sit down. I was handed a pink bag and a card. I read the card aloud and smiled. I opened the bag and pulled out baby clothes and baby shoes that were just so adorable. I thanked Eleanor with a hug and continued with all the other gifts.

In the end, I had received lots of clothes, shoes, diapers, socks, toys, bottles and a really cute blanket. Denise even brought the rocking chair she had used with Theo because she wanted me to have it.

I thanked everybody for coming and said goodbye. "Call us when you have the baby. We are staying at a hotel so we will be here. So please call us." Niall's mom asked. "Of course." i told her and she kissed my cheek before leaving.

I looked around the room and saw bags and boxes of baby stuff. "Have a good time?" I hear my favorite voice ask as the door opens. "Yeah. It was nice to have people here that care" i tell him and wrap my arms around his waist. His kisses the top of my head and places his hands on my stomach.

"I'm sorry your mom couldn't make it but that doesn't mean she doesn't care" He tells me. I shrug and make my way into our bedroom. "Yeah. I know. She could have called though. I don't know. I just miss her." I say and lay down in bed.

"She misses you too babe. It's just different now." he says and I sigh.

"Tired?" He asks and I nod. "And uncomfortable." i say. "Anything i can do?" he asks as he sits next to me. "Uhh..."I pause as a pain hits my stomach.

"Oww." I say and grab Niall's arm. "What? What's wrong?" he begins to panic. "I. I dont know but that hurt" I tell him. He looks at me and shakes his head. "Are you sure she just didn't kick?" he asked but i shook my head.

"It's too early babe. You still got like 2 months left." he told me and i nod. "Oww. Niall!" i yell and he lifts me out of the bed. He runs me to the door and grabs his keys.

"I'm fine Niall." i tell him, squeezing his arm in pain. "You're in pain Maddie! I have to take you to the hopsital." He says and helps me out to the car. I buckle myself in when more pain hits me.

I can't be having the baby yet. I'm only 7 months! My eyes trace down to my stomach and my hands are layed on top of my baby bump. "Please. Stay in just a little bit longer" I whisper. "It's okay babe. The baby will be okay" Niall assures me but my mind trails off. I can't imagine having the baby 2 months early. That can't happen.

We pulled into the parking lot and Niall rushed me through the doors. The lights were bright since and I don't really know what is going on because the pain gets more intense everytime. I am put into a wheel chair and wheeled off down the hall.

I can hear Niall following behind as he keeps saying things like "It's okay." and "The baby will be fine". My vision is blurred from tears as well as the blinding lights.

I am lifted up onto a bed and machines are hooked up to me everywhere.
So many people filled the room and some of them were speaking but i couldn't understand anything. My mind was focused on one thing and one thing only.

My daughter.

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