I Think This Is It

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*Maddie's POV*

"What do you think about these?" I hear Niall ask as he holds up a pair of baby shoes. "Niall. We are here for bottles and diapers. We have enough clothes." I tell him before putting a box of diapers in the cart.

He sighs, putting the shoes back and pushing the cart out of the aisle. I wobble beside him, slowly, doing my best to keep up.

"Slow down babe." I beg and he stops. "Sorry" He says trying to hide a smirk. "Hey. I saw that." I tell him as we walk into another aisle.

"Pink?" I ask, holding up some bottles and he shakes his head. "Purple" He states. "Her whole room is purple" I argue and he shrugs. "What about red?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah. Red is good" I say as he places some in the cart.

"Uhh." I groan and stop walking. "Are you okay?" Niall asks and I laugh. "Yeah. I'm just carrying a 7 lb baby inside of me but ya know I'm fine." I joke and he laughs so loud, I swear the whole store stops and stares at us.

"Come on. We're all done." He says as we make our way to the cashier. We pay for all our items, mostly stuff for the baby and leave.

The drive home felt long, probably just to me though because I am exsausted.
Who knew simply walking when you're pregnant could be so difficult.


I put all the baby stuff in the nursery and layed down on the couch. I elevated my swollen feet up when Niall walked in with a cup of tea. "Thanks babe" I say and he kisses my forehead. "How are you feeling?" He asks and I shrug. "Exsausted" I tell him.

I watch as he sits down and starts massaging my feet.
He is such a gentleman.

Later, Niall spent some time with the boys while I stayed home and relaxed. It was around an hour ago he came home and fell asleep on the floor next to me. I've been running my fingers through his hair while I watch tv.


I don't remember falling asleep but I woke up randomly and found myself in our bedroom. I looked next to me and saw Niall. He must have carried me in here last night. I don't know how he carried me in here since I weigh so much.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock.

4 am.

I sigh and roll back over as I feel a weird sunsation, almost like I wet the bed. I sit up  and shake Niall's arm. "Niall." I say, trying to wake him up. He just groans and stretches his arms.

"Babe. Wake up. I think this is it." Finally he opens his eyes and looks at me. "What?"

"I think this is it, Niall. I think my water just broke." I say as tears fall down my cheeks. His blue eyes glowed with happiness but he also looked afraid. We both prepared for this but yet I don't think we will ever feel ready enough.

I'm definitely not ready. I'm terrified.
But I wanted to stay calm, for him. So I smiled softly and he kissed my head.

"Okay. Let's go." He says while getting out of bed and helping me to the front door. "Sit down. I'll be right back" he says and I sit down.

I watch as Niall appears with the baby bag and also a bag for me. "Shoes Niall. Shoes." I say and he sighs. He runs down the hall again and comes back with my slippers. He helps me up and opens the door. "Niall!" I yell with a smirk on my face. "What? What's wrong?" He asked worried.

"Babe. You're missing something" I say and look down. His eyes follow mine and he looks down to see he has no pants on, just his underwear. "Oops" He says and blushes. "I'll be right back" He says and runs back to the bedroom.

I laugh as he returns fully dressed. He then helps me into the car and he gets in as well. "Oww" I groan in pain, feeling my first contraction. "It's okay babe. It's gonna be okay" He says and squeezes my hand.

The whole car ride I just look at Niall. He calms me down even when he doesn't try. I try to relax as I continue to focus on my breathing.

We pull into the hospital parking lot when more pain comes. "Niall..." I almost whisper as we walk into the hospital. "Exscuse me. Her water broke." I hear Niall.

I thought the contractions were suppose to gradually get more painful? Guess I was wrong.

I feel shoulders push me down into a wheelchair. "Niall?" I ask and look around. "I'm right here babe. I'll always be right here." He says and kisses my head.

"Please don't leave me Niall." I beg as tears escape my eyes. It finally hit me that this is actually happening. I'm really going to have a baby.

"I will never leave you Maddie. Never." He reasured me as I'm being wheeled into a room.

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