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*Maddie's POV*

I woke up to Niall's alarm and him shutting it off. "Morning" his sleepy voice whispered as he rolled over and faced me. I smiled. "Morning" i said back as he kissed my nose. "Got a show today" he said and pulled me closer to him. "I dont wanna get up" he said and closed his eyes again. "We have to, Niall. Come on" i say and sat up. He groaned and begged me to lay down again. "No. We have to get ready. You have to get up babe" i said again and got out of bed.

I got in the shower and quickly got out and dried off. I put on shorts and a plaid shirt. I walked out of the bathroom with wet hair and found Niall still laying in bed.

"Niall! Come on you have to get up! We have to leave in 20 minutes!" i yelled and shook his arm. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "You're gonna be a great mum" he said with his strong Irish accent. "Why do u say that?" i asked and crossed my arms against my chest. "Cause you're very pushy and mum-like" he told me and got put of bed.

I stood there and watched as he pulled on his pants and slipped on a shirt. I braided my hair to the side and put on a little bit of makeup.

He walked over to me and grabbed my hands. "Its okay babe. It's cute." he said and kissed my forehead. He looked down at my small baby bump and smiled. "Can't believe you're already 4 months" he whispered. "Almost 5" i added on. He knelt down and lifted up my shirt exsposing my belly. "Hi baby. I love you" he said and kissed my stomach.

I couldn't help but watch him in awe. He is so adorable and clearly so excited to be a father. This couldn't get any better.

*Niall's POV*

The concert just ended and Maddie and I are walking hand in hand to the exit.

"The show was great tonight." Maddie told me and kissed my cheek. "Thanks babe" i said and wrapped my arm around her waist.

We still have a a couple months of touring and im a little worried because Maddie will be 8 months pregnant. We still have alot to do before the baby comes.

"Oh wait. This way" I say and guided her down the stairs and around the corner to the back exit.

"I hate hiding from them" She said. "I know babe. But you know how busy we have been. With rehearsals and meetings and shows and alot of stuff. I just dont want anybody to get even more stressed. Exspecially you." I tell her.

"Yeah but im already showing Niall. So either we tell them or we let them find out and be mad at us! We should have told them 4 months ago! I just dont understand. Why are you trying to keep it a secret?" She snaps at me.

I sigh and squeeze her hand. "Im sorry. I'm just really anxious. The day after tomorrow we will tell everybody, at our radio interview. I promise" I say to her as we walk out of the building.

*Maddie's POV*

"AHHHH!!!! NIALL!!!! MADDIEE!!!! AHHHHHH!" Screams came from all around as Paul guided Niall and I out of the stadium. I looked up at Niall confused at why all these girls knew we were coming out the back. He shrugged and pulled me closer to him. Then suddenly i realized that the screams died down and everyone was just staring. Again, i looked up at Niall and he looked down at my stomach. My baby bump, that i somehow forgot about was completely noticable under my shirt. I looked around at the fans and paps as pictures were being taken.

"Maddie are you pregnant?" A teenage girl asked and i felt my cheeks go red. Paps began asking so many questions including how far along I am and asking Niall about it. My head was spinning until finially we made it into the car and thats when i lost it.

*The next morning*

"Babe." I hear Niall say. "Babe. please. get up" He said as i felt him sit down on the bed. "I dont want to" i cry into my pillow.

"Babe. Please. Its okay. Everything is okay." He said and i sat up. I looked at my beautiful boyfriend but i didn't say a word. Instead i pointed to the massive pile of magizines on my bedside table, all about my pregnancy.

He sighed and picked one up. "Baby Horan" he read. "One Direction member Niall Horan was spotted with his girlfriend Madison last night after the concert. Sources say Madison was looking a little "bigger" than usual. Could it be that the famous 1D member is a father to be?"

As he read I curled myself up into a ball and cried. I feel so embarressed. I never wanted people to find out this way. Not in magizines and all over the internet.

"The internet" i said quietly and picked up my phone. "What?" Niall said and moved closer to me. I logged into twitter and sure enough, #BabyHoran was trending worldwide.

Tears came to my eyes as Niall took my phone from me. I watched his expressions as he read some tweets aloud.

"I am actually excited for Maddie and Niall. They are a cute couple and will be great parents #BabyHoran"

"That one is nice" Niall said. I nodded and motioned him to keep reading.

"Who does this Madison girl think she is? First she finds a way to make Niall date her and now he got her pregnant? Ridiculious. She ruined his life #BabyHoran"

I closed my eyes as my heart began to ache.

I felt Niall's arms wrap around me and his hand on my stomach. "They're just jealous that i picked you and not them" He whispered and I nodded. I know he is right. But it still hurts. And I never meant to hurt anybody. I can't help that I fell in love.

*Niall's POV*

"Are you sure we have to go?" Maddie asked as she finished up her makeup. "Yes babe. We have to make sure the baby is okay" I told her.

We have an apointment to check on the baby but im kinda nervous because fans will probably show up.

I'm also nervous for the radio interview tomorrow. Most likely all the questions will be about the baby. I just hope it goes well.

"Im ready" Maddie called as she walked out of the bedroom. Her long blonde hair pulled up into a pony tail showing off her beautiful face. I couldn't help but look at her baby bump. She looked so amazing.

"What are you staring at?" Maddie asked and i looked into her eyes. "A beautiful girl." i told her and kissed her lips. "Im getting big though" she said and placed her hands on her belly. I laughed and grabbed her hand. "Come on babe. I wanna find out if its a boy or girl. It's been killing me!" i tell her and she laughs as we walked out to the car.


"Ya know babe, we have to pick some names." i say to Maddie as we sit in the waiting room. "Oh yeah. We need to do that." she told me and smiled. "Yeah." i say just as a lady approached us. "Madison?" We stood up. "Hi sweetheart. My look how big you are" the lady said and hugged Maddie and I.

She led us into a small room and Maddie sat down on the table in the middle. "So Dad, are you excited?" the nurse asked me and i nodded. "Yes! I'm so excited." i told her and grabbed Maddie's hand.

*Maddie's POV*

The nurse pulled up my shirt and put the blue gel on my stomach. She moved the wand around and in a few seconds i could hear the heartbeat. "Awee" Niall said, his face on the screen. I turned and looked at my baby on the monitor. "Do you want to know the sex?" The nurse asked and I looked at Niall. He smiled.

"Hell yes!" he demanded, jokingly. I giggled and looked over at the nurse. "Yes please." i say.

The nurse smiled. "You're having a girl"


"Ha! I knew it would be a girl!" I said to Niall as i layed down in bed. He blushed and couldn't help but laugh as well. "She's not dating until she's 30" He said sternly and I burst out laughing.

"Harry's gonna be upset" I told him. "Yeah" He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Are you nervous for tomorrow? " i asked him and he turned and looked at me.

"Kinda. Are you?" He asked and i nodded. "Yeah. I'm still not used to all the attention." I said as i closed my eyes. "I have a few names I think i like." Niall said as he wrapped his arms around me. "Me too" i say as i begin to fall asleep.

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