Bacon Wars

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If looks could kill we would both be stabbing each other simultaneously.

It was very tense. Miss Popular was scrapping her fork against her plate so roughly now I thought she might saw it in half. And lets just say I'd have major jaw pain later. There was no way I was going to stop. Not for that brat. The death glare in her green eyes said the same thing. This was not going to end well.

A couple minutes later I ran out of bacon.

I look down at my plate and back up at her. She notices as well and smirks, thinking she's won since I've ran out. I slowly turn my head and look at the breakfast buffet. Then I look back at her. Her eyes widen.

"You wouldn't," She says.

"Oh wouldn't I?"

We both jump out of are chairs and race for the counter. We're both pushing chairs out of the way and try to weave around the tables. I've finally made it past the tables and into the clearing. I'm about to race to the counter when Piper grabs the hood on my hoodie and yanks me back.

I start to choke a bit but I start to run backwards and I smash into her. We both tumble backwards and land on the ground. I fumble a bit trying to stand up but manage to get to a squat. Then she grabs my arms and pulls me back again. While she does I manage to roll over and grab her arms tightly. I pin her to the ground quickly and then stand up.

I go two steps when she grabs onto my heel with both hands. I try to shake her off but she's got a death grip on me. I trudge forward towards to bar, dragging her across the floor. She yanks back hard on my ankle and I trip and fall.

While I fall she manages to get to her feet, panting like a dog. She stands there for a minute, trying to catch her breath. I take this opportunity to stand up as well, also panting like a dog.

"Listen," I say, trying to catch my breath, "It's just... bacon... alright?" I say between breaths.

She nods tiredly, still panting.

I nod once and slowly turn. I start to slowly walk to the counter.

Then out of no where she pounces on my back. I scream a little in shock. I stumble but I don't fall. Her legs are wrapped tightly around my torso. Her hands are pulling my head back. I walk backwards a little ways. I start to try to pull my head back to being upright. I start to go forward and try to slam her back against a pillar to get her off. But I'm so tired that its pretty weak.

"You... are... crazy!" I say through gritted teeth.

"Apparently so are you buddy!" she says angrily back.

I grab her hands and peal them off of my head. It isn't hard to hard to get her legs off me. She slumps on the floor, her back against the pillar. I trudge forward to the counter, stopping in front of the bacon.

"You can't... do this..." She says tiredly.

I pick up a piece of bacon, "I... just... did." I say before taking a bite.

Sweet victory.

"I'm going... to get you back... for that..." She says breathlessly.

"I'll... be waiting... Ms. Jackson."

I take another bite of my bacon and with that I leave the breakfast pavilion.


I don't know who that little punk was, But I'm going to kill him.


Shorter chapter, but I thought it was hilarious.

Will update soon.

Bye guys. :)

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