chapter 4

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The day finally was here my first date with Mason.

"Here Jenn you'll want this. They don't call it the windy city for nothing." I threw her one of my big hoodies. I new she didn't have much to keep warm being from Florida.

"Thanks, I sure needed that." She said with a smile.

I pulled on my warm brown winter coat and some leggings with my warm boots before heading out.

We were meeting everyone on campus before heading out on the buses to Chicago.

We finally got to Chicago and were discussing where to go first. We decided to go to the Christkindlmarket, then see the windows at Macy's, and maybe to see different stores on the magnificent mile.

The German market was huge as always and the food smelled so good.

"Angelica you want to share a German pretzel?" Mason asked with a smile.

"Sure their pretzels are the best!" looking around at the different shops and the huge Christmas tree in the middle of the market.

"How about we all get a picture by the tree? " I say looking over my shoulder at all our friends.

After looking at the shops and all the different Christmas decorations we headed over to the tree.

"Say cheese!" We all smiled and made funny faces at the camera before heading to our next stop the Macy's store windows.

The windows depicted a story every year in the windows. This year was Pinocchio.

"Those puppets look creepy." Alex was saying to Katelyn.

I had to agree they gave me the creeps how they looked. I still laughed tho at the different displays. They were funny in the way they moved.

"Is anyone up for getting some hot chocolate? There's a Starbucks up ahead." Mason suggested noticing I was getting a little cold in the windy weather.

Everyone headed inside and ordered what they wanted. We sat down around a table talking and getting warmed up before heading back out to head to the bus.

Everyone headed onto the bus telling Mr. Maggie our names so he could make sure everyone was present before heading to Navy Pier which was our last stop before heading back to Anders.

Once at the Pier everyone headed to the winter festival. It was inside and had games, a skating rink, and a small Ferris wheel in the middle.

The rest of the night went by fast riding the Ferris wheel, skating and playing all the games.

"I hope you had fun tonight." Mason said handing me a stuffed Dalmatian he had bought me from the Disney store earlier.

"I did, I'm glad we could go together." I said smiling up at his blue eyes.

I said goodbye to Mason and the rest of the group before heading home with Jenn.

I'm glad you had fun. Maybe we can do something together again. I can't wait to see you in class. ♥ Mason

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