Chapter 2

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~Jerome POV~

"Who are you?" the strange boy asked. He looks my age.

"Uh... well..." I stutter, trying to think of an excuse.

"Anyway, do you know where I could find a bacca?" he asks nervously. I wonder if I can tell him I'm a bacca. Will he kill me? I don't see any weapons on him. Might as well take a chance. I slowly pull off the ski mask.

"Wow." He gasps. I look at him and smile. Then, he asks something I'd never expect.

"Do you wanna be my... science experiment?"

I started to laugh wildly. But then I remembered I couldn't.

"I can't. The king doesn't like baccas." He looks at me and smiles. The first time I've seen him smile. His teeth were straight, but not pearly white. Not like yellow, but not pearly.

"Well, I'm sure he'll except you! You look classy in that suit. BUT, you have to be a good bacca."

"Whoa whoa whoa, wait. Your the kings-" I say, but interrupts me.

"Son!" he says excitedly, posing like a superhero. I laugh and suggest we ask our parents. He agrees and runs I

To the castle.

"Meet back here in and hour!" He yells.

"TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!" I call, listening carefully after. I hear a high voice call back and follow it. I finally reach my mom and she smiles.

"Well, I see you've found your present! Now, you have one more!" She says and sighs deeply after. I smile, knowing what she's going to say.

"You are a free Bac. Now, you must eat a liver."

'A LIVER!? GROSS!' I think as she hands me it. I take a bite and its actually good! I eat the rest annoyingly. I hug my mom and leave to the meeting place.

~Mitch POV~

I look at the side of the castle and spot some vines that lead to the window. I swiftly climb up them and fall into the floor with a big THUD.

"You okay up there?" my mom calls.

"I'm okay! Can you guys come up here?" I shout. I hear thudding up te stairs.

Thud thud thud thud thud

"Yes Mitch?" they ask in unison.

"I need a bacca for a science project so can I get on outta bacca forest PLEASE!?" I beg.

"Absolutely NOT!" My dad screams.

"It will stay in my room!"

My mom whispers something to my dad and he nods.


I clap and hug them. When they leave I make ladders and replace the vines with them. Then, I head to the meeting place.

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