Chapter 1

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"Dammit!" a stressed-out Detective Javier Esposito curses as he works his way through the crowded New York street.

One would assume that having a gun and badge strapped to your hip would help to clear a path, but New Yorkers aren't the kind of people to just move aside. Javier knows this better than most to be honest. It's why he's so frustrated right now, because he does know better, but his stupid alarm didn't work - again! Now he's battling through New York foot traffic when he's already late for work - again!

So what if his boss is one of his closest friends?

Beckett isn't going to show any kind of favouritism towards him (at least that's what he thinks). The truth is Kate Beckett would do just about anything for her two boys. They're like brothers to her.

Unaware of Beckett's soft spot for him, Esposito continues to fight his way through the crowd. The door of the precinct is almost within reach. Only a few more steps...

Finally, he makes it through the doors of the precinct. Now all he has to do is take a nice easy ride in an elevator up to the bullpen. It seems simple enough, right? No doubt his ever punctual partner, Kevin Ryan, will be up there already. The mere thought of seeing his partner is enough to send his heart racing, nevermind this early morning exercise he's unintentionally got in before work.

"Hold that elevator!" Esposito yells, as he races over to the closing metal doors.

Just when it seems all hope is a lost a hand from inside reaches out. The elevator doors grind to a halt. A grateful Espo pushes the doors back and squeezes into the elevator.

"Hey thanks man" the detective catches his breath, taking no more than a cursory glance at the person who held the doors for him.

"No problem" he hears a male sounding voice reply.

Javier goes to press the button for his floor. It's already illuminated. The Hispanic detective looks up to see a tall man staring down at him. The guy has to be at least 6ft. Grey hairs ever so gracefully creeping in at the sides. Esposito guesses the guy has to be in his late forties. Not that age is a problem. Espo and his partner are both 38.

Age might not be a problem, but the way this man is looking at him is definitely setting off some red flags for Esposito. Something is off with this guy. Call it cop instinct or experience, but he's getting some bad vibes.

"Thanks for holding the elevator" Esposito tells him again, as he brushes all uneasy thoughts of the man aside.

"Yeah whatever" the guy replies as he shifts his eyes up to the ceiling.

The detective raises an eyebrow. It's certainly not the response he expected. Instead of retaliating, he chooses to ignore the man's blunt reply and the fact that the man's body language has made it blatantly obvious he doesn't care for a conversation with Esposito.

"So, I see you're going to the same floor as me. Any particular reason?" he questions the strange tall man again. The ideology of 'everyone deserves a second chance' has been drilled into him by his partner of thirteen years.

"None of your business" the man replies coldly, taking a sideways look at his fellow elevator rider.

Those words end the hope of any future conversation. Esposito huffs. All he can think about is going over to his desk and telling his partner everything. Javier knows Kevin will understand. Some how he always does. He'll sit there and listen to him intently. Those gorgeous blue eyes of his staring right into Espo's very soul. A wonderful sight for the Hispanic detective. In fact, it's something he looks forward to seeing every morning.

The old elevator doors squeak open. The bullpen is revealed. The fantasy of his partners calming blue eyes vanishes. Esposito steps out of the elevator hoping to see the real pair of eyes he often fantasises over.

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