Chapter 4

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Ryan and Sherman travel in silence. The awkwardness eats away at the new comer. It's his first day on the job. Now he's alone in a car with a very experienced, and in his opinion, very cute, senior detective. Also, he isn't on the best of terms with the cute detective's partner. What a great first day...

"So, I don't mean to pry, but are you and your partner okay? It's just that people have told me a lot about you and from what I can tell you and your partner are a solid team. That makes me wonder why I'm here" Andrew begins, disturbing the silence, in an attempt to move past the uncomfortable atmosphere.

Kevin concentrates on the road ahead. All the accumulating thoughts that he had been building up just disperse.

"You're here, because you offered to be and the captain thought it would be a good idea" Ryan responds, uncharacteristically cold for him.

"Exactly. Captain Beckett agreed. Why would she do that when you already have a partner?" Sherman sighs heavily "Look, I don't mean to sound like a jerk and I'm sorry if I do, but this suspect could be dangerous and I'd like to know that the guy I'm going in with has actually got my back"

The cogs start turning in the Irishman's mind. Logic dictates the next words out of his mouth rather than what's pulling at his heartstrings or giving him a headache.

"I'm sorry, Sherman" Kevin shakes his head slightly "It's just been a difficult morning and you deserve to feel like I've got your back. And I have got your back so don't worry"

"Good, because you know I was just thinking of you, right? I mean letting the new guy take a bullet on his first day probably wouldn't do any good for your outstanding reputation. Although, if I take a bullet then I guess I'll be accepted as one of the team sooner. You know like a right of passage" Sherman starts rambling again.

As he does, Ryan smiles. It's the first time he's felt like smiling since his fight with Esposito. The man is clearly nervous, but seems nice enough.

"This is it, Sherman. You ready to take that bullet?" the senior detective asks with a small smirk.

Kevin gets out of the car. The smirk remains. Andrew, mouth open in shock, was not ready for his quick wit.

The new detective quickly catches up. The pair then make their way across the empty parking lot. On the other side is a large rundown industrial building. Ryan leans against the rusty door. Sherman copies. The blue eyed detective unholsters his gun. Sherman mimicks him again. The faint sound of voices comes from inside the warehouse.

"I hear multiple voices" Kevin speaks in a hushed tone "Okay, you take the front and I'll take the back"

The detectives share a quick glance at one another. Sherman nods at him.

As quietly as he can, Kevin makes his way round the back of the warehouse. Sticking close to the wall as he goes. All his senses are on high alert. The academy training and his experience as a cop are being put to good use. As he nears the back of the building he hears a door opening. The detective steadies his breathing. Anything could happen once he turns this corner. After a quick inhale, he turns the corner with his gun in his hands.

It's over before his brain has even processed what his eyes are seeing. One big blur. A sudden pain in his nose that makes his eyes water uncontrollably. Stumbling back from the force of the hit, he tries to regain his balance. Somehow he maintains his grip on his gun. Ryan lifts a hand to his throbbing nose then pulls it away. Blood. The tips of his fingertips are painted red.

A man dressed in black heads towards him. Despite being slightly disoriented from the punch he prepares to meet his attacker.

Raising his gun he shouts "Stop! Police!"

The man doesn't stop. If he's forced to Ryan will shoot to hinder not kill. The man gets closer. Kevin takes aim. Arms wrap around him from behind. Despite this, he still manages to pull the trigger, but in a crushing hold, his shot is way off target. Kevin struggles to free himself from this new unknown, but incredibly strong assailant.

Before he can make any headway, the man in front of him rips the gun out of his hands. The detective's heart sinks. The last thing he wants is for someone to take his service weapon. It's happened before. The outcome was not good. This fear of losing his service weapon spurs him on. With no use of his arms, Kevin uses the only free limbs he has. A swift kick to the chest of the first man sends him and Ryan's gun to the ground.

Ryan then swings his head back. A loud cracking sound and a grunt of pain confirms he's hit his target. The arms around him loosen. The detective breaks free of their grasp. Quickly turning around, he right hooks the strong man in the face. This second attacker drops to the ground with a cry of pain.

In a moment of triumph, the blue eyed detective turns to the first attacker so he can grab his service weapon. Only when he turns, he finds himself staring down the barrel of his own gun. One very furious man pointing it right at him.

"Get on your knees!" the man growls, moving the gun closer to Ryan's head.

Slowly, the detective's trembling knees bring him to the ground. The damp ground soaks into his suit trousers.

"Drop your weapon or do you want to find out who the quicker shot is?" Sherman orders as he holds his gun against the back of the man's head.

Relief washes over Kevin. Even if he can come across as a being a bit full of himself - Sherman has impeccable timing! Ryan heaves himself up. Glancing over to Andrew, he spots the imminent danger. It's too little too late to issue a warning. A third attacker whacks his saviour on the back of his head. Sherman collapses to the ground - knocked out cold.

The blue eyed detective tries to shout, but a rag is clamped over his mouth. The man behind him is so close that he can feel his body heat. Ryan struggles to break free again. With every second that passes he feels his eye lids getting heavier. The fight within him fades rapidly. The guy must have put chloroform on the rag. The energy just drains from his body.

Finally his knees buckle. No longer able to support himself. The men lower an almost passed out detective to the ground. The world around him starts to grow darker. Trying to use his last conscious moment wisely, he focuses on his attackers, to note any identifiable features he can see. He'll need to remember them for when Javi comes to rescue him. When not if. Kevin knows his partner will come for him and when he does these guys are going to be sorry.

More gunshots ring out. Ryan can't tell by whom or where they're coming from. The effects of the chloroform prove to be too much and he passes out.

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