Chapter 14

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Ryan awakens from his unconscious state. Although, it takes him a while, as he's still very much disorientated from the blow to the back of the head. Slowly he glances up. It's as if his head weighs a ton as he struggles to lift it up. The left side of his head throbs repeatedly. The skin on the left side of his face feels uncomfortable tight as if there's something stuck to his skin. If he were a betting man he'd guess it's dried blood. Despite the pain, in fact fighting through it, Kevin forces his eyes open. Those blue eyes of his struggle to adjust to the light. It's so bright. It's so unfamiliar. As is the ringing sound in his ears, but that gradually fades.

After continuous blinking Kevin manages to get his eyes open. The detective takes in these new surroundings. A warehouse or some sort of aircraft hanger perhaps? It's hard to say. Ryan is no expert in architecture. All he can see is a large open space. On either side of the concrete building are two identical sliding metal doors. In the centre is where Ryan is. That's it. Nothing of interest. There are some cracked concrete pillars lying horizontally on the ground, but that's about it.

The pounding headache indicates to the detective that he has suffered some sort of head trauma. The question now is if he's sporting any more injuries. Ryan glances down at himself. No blood in sight. Although, he realises he's missing his jacket, once again. A jacket removal seems to be the typical kidnapper move, at least from Kevin's experience and sad to say he's had more experience than most with being kidnapped, especially very revently.

The thoughts of his jacket are pushed aside as he stares down at the run of the mill wooden chair he's  sat on. It's just like one you might find around a dinner table. The fog clouding his mind starts to disperse. Reality sets in. Now it's pretty obvious to the detective that he's not going anywhere. Rope binds his limbs to the chair. Ryan knows there's no use in struggling. It's clear that whoever tied this rope is an expert. An attempt to free himself from his bindings would only waste valuable energy and no doubt bring his captor or captors great amusement. The thought of who put him here causes Kevin to turn around. Nothing. Well, not that he can see anyway.

The detective is left in quiet contemplation for a few moments. Who could have possibly taken him? Considering recent events, he's willing to bet that this might have something to do with his dear old dad. Kevin has known his real father for less than a day and already he's in so much trouble because of him. Then, the sound of the large door off to the right screeching open draws his attention.

"Malone?" Ryan questions under his breath as this unexpected arrival walks over.

"Ah, Detective Ryan, you're awake! Did you sleep well?" Malone asks sarcastically as he stops in front of the blue eyed detective.

Disappointingly, for Malone, his captive doesn't seem surprised at all.

"So, you're the mole huh?" Kevin surmises, showing no fear as his kidnapper gets closer to him.

"Surprise!" Malone says with wry amusement "Although, with you I'm not sure if it is a surprise. I'll give credit where it's due, Detective Ryan. You're awfully good at hiding your emotions"

Kevin simply stares him out. On the outside, he doesn't let anything show. However, inside his mind is working at a mile a minute. All thought processes are focused on working out Malone's new character. This persona is in stark contrast to his previous one. Before he was this shy socially awkward nerd. An outcast who Kevin sympathised with. Now, in Ryan's opinion, he's this cunning, arrogant, little shit, but that's only his first impression of this new persona!

Malone squats down in front of him. A staring competition begins. The two are determined. Neither wants to lose to the other.

Malone finally blinks, out of boredom more than anything else, and comments "I suppose you're wondering why I'm doing this"

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