Chapter 19

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Esposito leans against a squad car with his arms folded. Not too far away from him is the ambulance. In his direct line of sight is the love of his life. Injured. Emotional. Yet somehow remaining so strong. Espo didn't think it possible to admire his partner any more than he already does, but the events of the day have proven otherwise. At the back of the ambulance, a female paramedic tends to the wounds of one very tired detective. The distance between them means Esposito can't hear, but can still see Ryan.

"Hey, room for one more?" Kate questions as she leans against the car next to her friend "So, you gonna tell me what happened in there?"

"No, not really Beckett" he replies, eyes still focused on his injured partner.

"As your boss, you have to tell me so I can fill out a report, but right now, I'm here as your friend. Tell me what you want to before I become your captain again and force you to" Beckett points out, watching as her husband makes his way over to Ryan.

"I got there and Kevin was tied to a chair. I could tell he was in a lot of discomfort. Malone was literally sat on him. I told Malone to put his hands on his head and not to move. Next thing I know, Malone is reaching down to pick up a gun so I was forced to shoot him. The bullet hit his neck" Javier meets his boss' calm gaze "There was nothing I could do. He bled out in less than a minute"

When tears begin to well in his eyes he quickly turns his head away. The former soldier doesn't want his boss to see him so upset. Flashbacks to when he first found Kevin play on repeat. Espo doesn't know exactly what Malone said to Ryan or what he'd done to him, but he can make a pretty good guess that it wasn't anything good.

"It's not your fault, Epso. The guy had a gun and he'd put Ryan in danger. You did the right thing" his captain reassures him with a tentative hand on his shoulder.

Espo exhales deeply "I know that. It's just Kev's been through so much today"

"Yeah, I totally agree with you there. I'm surprised he's still going, but I guess that's our Ryan, he's strong, Espo. Stronger than you realise" Beckett tells him then joins him in looking across at their colleague.

The EMT finishes patching up his bullet wound. She was ever so gentle with him and to show his appreciation he offers her a warm smiles. Ryan starts to inspect the sling on his arm as the paramedic moves out of sight. It amazes Beckett how so much has happened to him today and yet he still manages a smile. That infectious sweet smile of his is the first thing that comes to her mind when she thinks about her friend.

"So, did Malone shoot Ryan or was that during the gun fight?" Beckett asks him, bringing her gaze back to Esposito.

"No, Malone didn't shoot him. After I rescued him, he told me that the Russians were on their way and we had to get out. As we were leaving, Mick and his boys arrived. I went over to question McConnell as to why he was here. Next thing I know I hear gunshots and Kev, he uh, he went down" Espo pauses to catch the lump in his throat "The uh, the Russians had come in from the other side of the warehouse. So Kev, McConnell and I took cover behind the concrete pillar just as both sides started shooting and well you know the rest"

Before Kate has a chance to reply, a uniformed officer stops in front of the two of them, using his left hand he grips the elbow of a handcuffed Mick McConnell.

"Sorry to disturb you, Captain, but which squad car do you want me to put him in?" the young cop queries. The poor guy looks quite nervous as he stands in the company of his boss, a well respected senior detective, and the head of the Irish mob.

"Just leave him with me, Volkov" Beckett answers with a reassuring look.

"Volkov, huh? How very Russian" Mick says sarcastically as Officer Volkov walks away.

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