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I couldn't open my eyes, I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't I could hear voices surrounding me "why wouldn't mummy wake up?" I heard sammi asked "sammi, I need you to be a brave girl, mummy got hurt and we need to be strong so when mummy wakes we have to look after her" tom said  I wanted to squeeze his hand and tell him that everything was okay, but I couldn't move a muscle everything hurt, I knew my husband and I knew he was struggling to cope. He held my hand "soph, you've got to stay strong okay, I have to take sammi to school" he said as he kissed my forehead, then there as silence all that I could hear was the beeping off the machines.

A while later I heard someone walk into my room I could hear clicking of heels, I know it was a woman she sat down next to me and took my hand "I remember the day you were born, you were so little and you came out screaming I should of known from then that you would cause nothing but trouble, my baby my little girl your all grown up now and you don't need me I'm only your mum and I know I haven't been there best I left you with him, that man who abused you, and I'll blame myself until the day I die, I just want you to be the stubborn three year old who wouldn't let the cancer beat her, she need to fight, wake up your kids need you, tom does he's a mess and I need you baby girl you can't die your not even twenty four yet, you have your whole life" mum said she kissed My forehead and I left a tear drop onto me, she was crying. I wanted to tell her it was okay, but damn it sophie wake up wake up i said to myself why cant i wake up, what if i can never wake up, what if i die? and just as i started to think of my life no longer here, tom, the kids my mum everyone who was important ot me having to live without me i opened my eyes, where i seen bright lights i looked to my mum she had her head in her hands, she was crying "who would of thought rachel mason crying" i said to her and her head shoot up "sophie" she said throwing herslef towards me and hugging me "im fine mum, it takes a lot more than some crazy alcoholic to kill me off" i said to her as she brushed the hair out of my face "yeah, i guess it does" she said "im going to ring your husband" she said and i smiled as she called him thar, my husband.

Half an hour later tom came and ran into the room he stopped still in the doorway "hi" i said to him and he smiled at me "hi" he siad as he walked over ot me and kissed me on the forehead "how are you feeling" he asked me as he sat down next to me "ill leave you two to talk" mum said as she stood up and smoothed her skirt kissing me on the ehad "im glad your awake, i couldnt bear it if i lost you" she said "shes not the only one" tom siad as he kissed me on the lips "how are you feeling" he asked "sore" i said as he smiled "well, id be suprised if you werent, you were shoot, baby you lost a lot of blood i thought i lost you when you closed your eyes i thought shes dead, but i cant tell you how releaved i am that your not, they were lucky to save you" he said crying "dont cry" i said to him "sorry, i just thought id lost you soph, your my life" "and your mine, you and the kidsis all i love for" i said as he took my hand and kissed it "what happened to rose" i asked him and he looked at me "she...she turned the gun on herslef, shes dead soph" he said and i nodded "how are the kids" i asked him "missing there mummy like i am, youve been in a coma for two months" "two months, i missed our anniversary, the twins birthday and christmas" i said "hey its alright, if you want we can do it all again a birthday party, christmans and ill rebook paris" he said " i love you tom clarkson" i said as i brushed the stubble on his cheek "and i love you sophie clarkson, your the love of my life" he said as eh kissed me on the lips.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now