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"im scared" I said as I lay on the bed with my hand rested on my bump "scared?" tom said as he sat down next to me on the bed "scared of giving birth, giving birth always scared me, I mean im small framed and a baby coming out of me, pretty much ripping me apart its scary and not to mention last time, when I had the twins I nearly died, I lost four pints of blood tom, it was half of what my body held, Im so scared for it to happen again, I... what if something goes wrong tom, I haven't never had a normal experience when giving birth, sammi was premature, I nearly died with the twins what if something happens again" I said as he lay on the bed next to me and took my hand is his "you are so strong Sophie, I don't even think you know just how strong you are, you have survived through so much in twenty four years that I haven't gone through in forty three and you have no idea how proud I am of you, how proud that I am to call you my wife, the mother of my children" he said "but what if something happens" I said tears falling down my cheeks "she will be fine, and you will be" he said "she?" he smiled "yeah, I have a feeling it will be a girl and she will be just like you" he said and I smiled as I placed my hand on my belly.

I walked down the stairs pulling my dressing gown around me and took a seat at the kitchen table "i made you a coffee" tom said as eh placed into in front of me "thanks" I said as I took a sip. He took a seat next to me and I placed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm round my waist pulling me closer to him "why cant it be like this, us, like this forever" I said "if only" he said "morning" my dad said as he walked into the kitchen "morning" tom said to him and stood up clicking on the kettle. I sat with my heads in my hands "i wanted to talk to you two" dad said and I frowned and glanced at tom "okay" I said as tom sat back down next to me. "i think its best that I go stay somewhere else, my symptoms are getting worse and you two have your handfuls, you both work full time with three young children, your fourth one the way...I think it will be best if I go stay else where" he said and I frowned "where will you go" I asked "i don't know, maybe ill have a look at some homes where there are professionals that can deal with my condition" he said and I nodded "your welcome o stay here Michael until you get yourself sorted" tom said  "thank you tom, though there's one thing that ill ask, is for you Sophie, I want you to get yourself tested, the kids, I ignored it for years and now im left with four months to live" he said. I sat with my hand over my head and nodded, truth was I was scared, scared of finding out, what if I had it, what if my kids had also inherited it. I don't know if I could forgive myself.

I sat in the staff room at work I had a free period and was meant to be doing lesson planning when Eddie walked in "hey" he said to be I was starring into space "Sophie?" "sorry" I said as I pulled myself out of the trance I was in. he took a seat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder, he was always  like a dad to me "i spoke to tom, he told me what's going on, your scared aren't you, he knows it he can read you like a book he's your husband" Eddie said "im scared Eddie" i said " I know, why didn't you tell us about your dad, the Huntington's  disease" "you had a lot on, mum only got out of the hospital last week I didn't want to worry her, you, Michael he's been out of my life for almost five years, he was pretty much dead to me already and now hes going to be and it terrifies me what if I could be dead because of the same disease, my children might have it" I said "isn't it best if you find out" he said and I nodded "he's never been a dad to me, your the only dad I had, even if it was only from fourteen" I said and he smiled "and your the daughter that I never had" he said as he kissed my forehead. As I pulled out my phone and made an appointment.

The Tale Of Sophom Book 3Where stories live. Discover now